Shin Woo-hee


Bori, an 11-year-old girl who lives in a sea village, is the only family member who can hear. Being an elementary school student, Bori gradually becomes more familiar with communicating with her friends at school by speaking and has a difficult time joining a sign language conversation at home. Why was I the only person born different from my family? The more she thinks about it, the more she feels alienated.
Be With You ~いま、会いにゆきます
Homeroom Teacher
日本でも竹内結子&中村獅童の主演で映画化されて大ヒットを記録した市川拓司のベストセラー小説「いま、会いにゆきます」を韓国で再映画化。「私の頭の中の消しゴム」「四月の雪」などの純愛映画で日本でも広く知られるソン・イェジンと、「王の運命(さだめ) 歴史を変えた八日間」「映画は映画だ」のソ・ジソブが主演を務めた。夫のウジンに「雨の降る日に、また戻ってくる」という約束を残してこの世を去った妻のスア。それから1年後の梅雨が始まったある日、ウジンの前に、この世を去る前と変わらない姿でスアが現れる。しかし、彼女は記憶を失っており、ウジンが誰なのかさえ覚えていない。それでもウジンは、スアがそばにいることに幸せを感じ、2人は再び恋に落ちるのだが……。
Weight of the Hand
A high school girl falls from a pedestrian overpass and dies while her boyfriend witnesses everything that happens.
Summer's Tail
A small village in an island. Juyeon whose mom left her only cares about her best friend-Kyunghee. One day, a transfer student-Soyoung moves to her village and everything begins to be changed.
No More No Less
The city is calm while everybody is out for the Thanksgiving day(Full Moon Day) and 19 year-old O-yoon Kwon is getting nervous. It´s because she has lost her beloved IPod just days before her SAT test. With the help of her friends, O-yoon plans to catch the thief by searching the reading room. On this celebrating day, the girls are in need of a victim to soothe their anxiety.