Yutaka Morioka

Yutaka Morioka

出生 : 1973-02-18, Tokyo, Japan


Yutaka Morioka


Sugai works as a driver at a chauffeur service company at night. On the night of a full moon weekend, he is told to pair up with a newcomer Kariya. Kariya is a mysterious young guy who gives a silly quiz to Sugai while they work. Sometime later, a drag queen comes to the office and asks for Sugai, saying that someone is trying to kill him. Sugai actually has a past that he could never forget. His colleague tells him that on the night of a full moon weekend something bad would happen...
浅見光彦 軽井沢殺人事件
ルポライターの浅見光彦(岩田剛典)は、取材先で様々な事件を引き寄せる不思議な能力の持ち主。今回訪れた軽井沢の浅間山で1枚の写真を拾うが、これも新たな事件の始まりだった――。 光彦は財界の重鎮で大原物産会長・大原賀一郎の別荘を訪問。伝手を頼って元伯爵家令嬢の妻・亜矢子に軽井沢の話を聞けることになったのだ。ところが大原家に警察が。事故死した男性の所持品に亜矢子のものらしきスケッチブックがあったという。亜矢子は明らかに動揺している様子で…。 警察庁刑事局のトップの光彦の兄・陽一郎曰く、男性はベンチャー企業の社員・平山宏一。何者かに追われ事故にあったとされている。また大原物産と仕事で関わりがある人物で、死の間際、婚約者・野本美貴に「ホトケのオデコ」という謎の言葉を残していた。
Mori Yoshinari
The mysterious life of Princess Nouhime.
Gangsters Ken and Maki are rivals in the ticket-scalping game. They make an uneasy truce, but Ken wrecks the truce by agreeing to fix a boxing match in which Maki has an interest in one of the fighters. After a terrible brawl, the two gangsters discover that they have both been played for suckers by their bosses. They join forces to turn the tables on the bosses.