Lisa Bronwyn Moore

Lisa Bronwyn Moore


Lisa Bronwyn Moore is an actress.


Lisa Bronwyn Moore


Up until now, marriage has been smooth sailing for Jennifer Jones. But after suffering a miscarriage, she begins to question her happiness and whether the spark in her marriage has dimmed. She shrugs it off as just being the 7-year itch and gives her husband, Freddy, who is content in their relationship, the benefit of the doubt. Things take an unexpected turn when Jennifer catches Freddy in a few unassuming lies. And when a sudden accident throws Freddy into a coma, Jennifer is left to pick up the pieces and reconcile everything for herself. With Freddy in hospital, a larger story begins to unfold - something that might just be Jennifer's worst nightmare - prompting her to question if she ever really knew the man she was married to.
Mrs. Snow
Fatal Trust
After the father of her kid son Sam was killed by an escaped psychiatric patient, Kate decides it's time for a new chapter in her life. She moves to the town where her former lover Tom lives and now works in the sheriff's department, and slowly gets intimate again with the sensitive, caring gentleman. Professionally she becomes the secretary of Dr. Mark Lucas, the respected local physician. In time she starts to take an old man's warnings against the doctor seriously, starts to believe that he may systematically have a hand in a suspicious number of old patients dying shortly after contact with him and tries to prove her theory...
Noah's Wife
I Do (but I Don't)
Magazine Interviewer
Denise Richards plays Lauren, a divorced wedding-planner who falls for the groom-to-be (Dean Cain).
Going for Broke
Ms. Jenkins
With the innocent dropping of a few coins into a video poker machine, Laura Bancroft's world is about to change forever. Inspired by true events, Going for Broke is the compelling, hard-hitting story of one woman's overwhelming addiction to gambling.
Tales from the Neverending Story: Resurrection
Martha Finnegan
The Childlike Empress lies in limbo between life and death and the only hope for her kingdom lies in the ability of a young boy to transcend the boundaries of fantasy in this tale of myth and magic that is certain to capture the imagination. As young Bastian opens the pages of "The Neverending Story," he learns that the Childlike Princess is near death and Fantasia is in danger of falling prey to the Dark Princess Xayide. Soon falling through the written page and into a world beyond his wildest imagination, Bastian's alter ego Atreyu must enlist the help of his trusty sidekick Fly Girl and mischievous hucksters Rip Rowdy and Wexlerian if there is any hope of unlocking the mystery of the Southern Oracle and awakening the Childlike Empress to bring order back to Fantasia. Part 4 of 4 in DVD releases
Mambo Italiano
Desperate Woman
When an Italian man comes out of the closet, it affects both his life and his crazy family.
Tales from the Neverending Story: Badge of Courage
Martha Finnegan
The Childlike Empress lies in limbo between life and death and the only hope for her kingdom lies in the ability of a young boy to transcend the boundaries of fantasy in this tale of myth and magic that is certain to capture the imagination. As young Bastian opens the pages of "The Neverending Story," he learns that the Childlike Princess is near death and Fantasia is in danger of falling prey to the Dark Princess Xayide. Soon falling through the written page and into a world beyond his wildest imagination, Bastian's alter ego Atreyu must enlist the help of his trusty sidekick Fly Girl and mischievous hucksters Rip Rowdy and Wexlerian if there is any hope of unlocking the mystery of the Southern Oracle and awakening the Childlike Empress to bring order back to Fantasia. Part 3 of 4 in DVD releases
NAOC Hotline Operator
第四次中東戦争の最中、イスラエル空軍に所属する1機のA-4が戦術核爆弾を搭載して基地を離陸するが、飛行中にアラブ連合軍の2K12地対空ミサイルによって撃墜される。パイロットは死亡し、機体も空中で大破するが、搭載されていた戦術核は原形を留めたまま砂漠の砂中に埋もれてゆく。 それから月日は流れ、ロシアで前大統領が急死しチェチェン紛争に関して強硬姿勢も辞さない新大統領ネメロフが就任し、米ロ両国の緊迫した関係を改善するため米国はCIAの長官キャボットとその補佐のジャック・ライアンをロシアに派遣する。しかし、両国の間で生じた相互の不信はぬぐえず、これを利用したネオナチやKKKを中心とした勢力が戦争を起こそうと策動を始めた。
Tales from the Neverending Story: The Gift
Martha Finnegan
The Childlike Empress lies in limbo between life and death and the only hope for her kingdom lies in the ability of a young boy to transcend the boundaries of fantasy in this tale of myth and magic that is certain to capture the imagination. As young Bastian opens the pages of "The Neverending Story," he learns that the Childlike Princess is near death and Fantasia is in danger of falling prey to the Dark Princess Xayide. Soon falling through the written page and into a world beyond his wildest imagination, Bastian's alter ego Atreyu must enlist the help of his trusty sidekick Fly Girl and mischievous hucksters Rip Rowdy and Wexlerian if there is any hope of unlocking the mystery of the Southern Oracle and awakening the Childlike Empress to bring order back to Fantasia.
Tales from the Neverending Story: The Beginning
Martha Finnegan
The Childlike Empress lies in limbo between life and death and the only hope for her kingdom lies in the ability of a young boy to transcend the boundaries of fantasy in this tale of myth and magic that is certain to capture the imagination. As young Bastian opens the pages of "The Neverending Story," he learns that the Childlike Princess is near death and Fantasia is in danger of falling prey to the Dark Princess Xayide. Soon falling through the written page and into a world beyond his wildest imagination, Bastian's alter ego Atreyu must enlist the help of his trusty sidekick Fly Girl and mischievous hucksters Rip Rowdy and Wexlerian if there is any hope of unlocking the mystery of the Southern Oracle and awakening the Childlike Empress to bring order back to Fantasia.
Wedding Night
Florence and Nicolas live happily together. Until the sister of Nicolas them points to a contest you get to win the first prize, a wedding with all expenses paid in Niagara Falls. Without thinking twice, decide to marry. Following on from then occur a series of inexplicable events that will make their relationship is complicated by the discovery of the extravagances of his family
Glowacki 2
In the near future, a company called Xchange owns a mind transference technology that enables instantaneous travel by swapping bodies with someone at the destination. A member of the privileged corporate class ("Corpie") Xchanging for the first time unwittingly switches bodies with a terrorist. Forced to hide in a limited life span cloned body with just 2 days remaining, he races against time to stop the terrorist and regain his body.
Fashion One Reporter
A young girl is plucked from small-town obscurity and thrust into the spotlight of the glamorous world of super-models.
Possible Worlds
The same man lives out several parallel lives in different "worlds" and in different relationships at the same time.
The Courage to Love
Marie Alicot
In 19th century New Orleans creole Henriette must choose between love and devotion to the church. Neither choice is going to be easy, as there is great opposition to her ideas of breaking traditions.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Mrs. Van Ecke
Ichabod Crane, a Yankee wanderer, arrives in Sleepy Hollow and becomes the new schoolmaster. He meets Katrina Van Tassel, and blissfully fantasizes about how can marry her, ultimately, inherit her father's rich estate. Her suitor Brom Bones, the blacksmith, wants to scare him away and dresses up as the legendary Headless Horseman. During the prank, the real ghost appears and drives Ichabod off
The Witness Files
A former actress, unjustly sent to prison eight years earlier, is forced to testify against a mafia hit man.
Running Home
Thanks to a tip from teenager Matt, who survives on the streets as a graffiti artist, policeman Ray is able to arrest Sergei, a diamond smuggler. In return, Matt gets Jules Daniels's file, his biological mother.
A Walk on the Moon
Norma Fogler
The world of a young housewife is turned upside down when she has an affair with a free-spirited blouse salesman.
The Windsor Protocol
Based on the novels by Jack Higgins, Sean Dillon is a maverick British agent who uncovers a plot to take over the presidency of the United States.
Going to Kansas City
An exchange student from Finland arrives in Kansas City. He is expecting to spend a year in the city, but ends up living on a farm in a small town. He falls in love with the sheriff’s daughter and soon finds himself in trouble.
A man with an unknown disease travels to an island with his girlfriend where his relatives once lived, hoping to find a cure to his illness. Although his relatives were all thought to be dead, he finds them living underground.