Executive Producer
A ninety-minute rhythmic meditation on nature, spirituality, and perspective.
Final part of epic drama about war and its effects upon human beings, follows the fortunes of the Godai family through the Sino-Japanese War through the Soviet Union's sudden attack upon Japanese troops at the end of the war.
This Roman Porno melodrama from Nikkatsu in-house luminary Chusei Sone concerns a married woman (Junko Miyashita) whose husband’s infidelity drives her to sleep with both of her sisters’ lovers. Kazuko Shirakawa, in one of her final appearances before her highly publicized wedding, plays the husband's combative mistress.
Executive Producer
Roman Porno from 1972.
Executive Producer
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Production Supervisor
Yukie is a young woman who works at her father's flower shop. She uses her job to hide from her problems including a marriage troubled by her sexual frigidity. Her husband and her best friend engage in an affair, and Yukie goes to her father for advice on how to save her marriage.
Executive Producer
都内近郊の団地。笠井律子(白川和子)は単調な生活と夫とのセックスに不満を覚えていた。ある朝、夫を会社に送りだすと団地に住む陽子がこけしをかたどったバイブレーターを持って訪ねてくる。こけしを渡そうとする陽子に律子は恥じらい、受けとるのを拒む。その後、一人になった律子はタンスの上のこけすに気がつく。陽子が密かに置いていったのだ。律子はそれを手に取り、自慰に耽った。その時、旧友・桐村から電話がかかってくる。律子は夫に嘘をついて桐村と会い、酒に酔ってホテルへと流れた。彼女は桐村とのセックスに夫以上の快楽を感じた。後日、律子は陽子から儲け話として売春を誘われる。陽子は律子と桐村が密会している写真を差し出し強請する。そして。律子はコールガールの生活に足を踏み入れることになる・・・。 ロマンポルノ第一弾を飾る記念碑的作品
Second part of an epic drama of war and its effects upon human beings, follows the fortunes of the Godai family from 1935 through Japan's invasion of China. Based on the novels by Jumpei Gomikawa, who also penned The Human Condition.
Keisuke Godai, head of the upstart Godai family conglomerate, plans to strengthen ties with the hardliners in the Kwantung Army as they plan military expansion into Manchuria.
First Assistant Director
Film from 1967.