Tom Swindell


Chancers: The Great Gangster Film Fraud
Director of Photography
Documentary about a bankrupt Jordanian entrepreneur and an unemployed Irish actress who hatch a plan to scam £2.5m off the British taxman by faking the production of a £20m movie. But they are found out, arrested and then bailed. While out on bail, they decide to prove their innocence by actually making a film. They hire a former nightclub bouncer, now a self-made micro-budget gangster film director. In 2011, Paul Knight makes their movie for under £100,000 with a cast of soap and gangster movie stars including Danny Midwinter, Marc Bannerman and Loose Women's Andrea McLean. The film's title is A Landscape of Lies. But the cinematic alibi does not convince the jury when the trial runs in 2013. The producers are convicted of tax fraud and given long sentences.
The Virgin Queen's Fatal Affair
Camera Operator
There are numerous stories about the English monarch Elizabeth I. But one event is particularly controversial: The Queen's affair with Robert Dudley and the mysterious death of his wife Amy Robsart in September 1560. To this day, it has not been proven beyond doubt that Amy Robsart really died in an accident ...
Spies Beneath Berlin
Director of Photography
This film tells the story of the extraordinary risks MI6 and the CIA were willing to go take to get vital intelligence during the Cold War. It’s 1954, the height of the Cold War. As the arms race builds to a fevered pace, spymasters in Britain and America know they have to find a way of infiltrating the Soviet machine. They must find out what Russian intentions are. This is the gripping true story of Operation Gold: the mission to build a 450-metre spy tunnel under Berlin, one of the most heavily guarded cities in history.