Barbara Lay


Emanuelle in America
Zodiac girl #3 (uncredited)
An American journalist travels throughout the world in search of a good story by joining a modern-day harem and traveling to Venice to see what really goes on at diplomatic parties. While trying to expose a corrupt government official, Emanuelle stumbles upon a group that uses kidnapped girls to make and sell snuff films
Vento, vento, portali via con te
Donna di Pierre
Two policemen of the Narcotics Brigade, Nicola and Roberto, end up in all kinds of crazy adventures while trying to do their job.
Taxi Love - Servizio per signora
Suicidal woman in the bathroom (uncredited)
A series of random suicides in Rome, Italy are attributed to a heatwave, but a young pathologist named Simona—who is working on a thesis about murders disguised as suicides—suspects otherwise. When a young girl associated with Simona's playboy father ends up dead in another apparent suicide, Simona teams up with the girl's priest brother to prove she was murdered and track down the unknown serial killer.
Nude for Satan
Brown Coven Member
Italian Gothic horror that tells the tale of a man who stops at a remote castle hoping to get medical help for an injured woman, only to find the inhabitants mirror the darker sides of the woman and himself.