Mike Meyer


Feeding the Beast: 25 Years of Statesville Haunted Prison
From its humble beginnings as a bunch of theater kids on a farmer's property to the massive, aggressive beast that it ultimately became, watch as a group of friends unknowingly launched what would become one of Chicago's legendary haunted attractions, from the earliest days right up through its very last night on November 6, 2021.
Feeding the Beast: 25 Years of Statesville Haunted Prison
From its humble beginnings as a bunch of theater kids on a farmer's property to the massive, aggressive beast that it ultimately became, watch as a group of friends unknowingly launched what would become one of Chicago's legendary haunted attractions, from the earliest days right up through its very last night on November 6, 2021.
Heaven is Hell
Heaven Is Hell (2014) Anonymous Shortly after dying in a car crash, Faith arrives in Heaven only to find it a barren wasteland, ruled by an evil arch angel. She then meets up with Judas, Thomas, and a team of rogue Apostles, armed to the teeth and dead set on finding an exiled Jesus Christ and restore him.
Stuckey's Last Stand
Stuckey is a school teacher who runs a day camp during the summer to earn extra money. Enjoy the shenanagans as Stuckey informs his staff one by one this will be the last summer he runs the camp. Sophmoric humor aimed at the pre-teen crowd.