Rei Sakuma

Rei Sakuma

出生 : 1965-01-05, Tokyo, Japan


Rei Sakuma is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with 81 Produce.


Rei Sakuma


それいけ!アンパンマン ドロリンとバケ〜るカーニバル
Batako-san (voice)
The stage this time is Baquel Carnival! It's a fun festival held in Obake Town, a cute and fun city of ghosts that can be transformed into anything! Children truly enjoy the amusement park-like glamorous and exciting Baker Carnival. However, only the ghost boy Dolorin, who is not good at transforming, can not enjoy it, so he is alone. Such Dolorin deepens the bond while encountering Creampanda. They head to Ozomashi no Mori in search of the cloak that has the most transformational power in the world, but Baikinman appears there and rampages to mess up the Baker Carnival with the power of the cloak! Can Anpanman and others protect the fun Baker Carnival from Baikinman?
クレヨンしんちゃん 謎メキ!花の天カス学園
When the five visit a private academy Kazama is attacked. He is left with reduced intelligence and strange bite marks.
Tamaki (voice)
それいけ!アンパンマン うたっててあそび アンパンマンともりのたから
ぼくたちといっしょにてあそびしよう! キンタローの孫娘キンタン大活躍! 原作絵本「アンパンマンともりのたから」をベースに、OVAでも人気の高い“てあそび”を盛り込んだ、短編映画。 「てのひらを太陽に」「しあわせなら手をたたこう」「ひげじいさん」などに合わせててあそびする“参加型”の作品。
それいけ! アンパンマン はしれ! わくわく アンパンマングランプリ
Batako-san (voice)
ドジだけどかわいい花の妖精、たねまきマギーちゃんが、クリームパンダちゃんとカーレースに出場。 山をこえ海をわたり、力をあわせて夢のゴールをめざします。 ばいきんまんのジャマ作戦にも負けないぞ!
それいけ!アンパンマン ばいきんまんVSバイキンマン!?
Batako-san (voice)
Baikinman fights himself.
それいけ!アンパンマン だだんだんとふたごの星
キララとキラリは星の杖で夜空を輝かせるふたごの星の妖精。元気いっぱいのキララは「もっともっと星を飛ばして夜空を明るくするのよ!」といって、キラリの注意も聞かず杖を振り回します。ところが、ふたりの杖がぶつかり、そのいきおいでふたりはバラバラに飛ばされてしまいます。アンパンマンに助けられたキララは一緒にパン工場へ。その頃バイキン城では、ドクター・ヒヤリが、ばいきんまんのために開発した“心を持ったメカ”ジャイアントだだんだんを完成させるところでした。ところが、ジャイアントだだんだんの胸から、黒い杖を持ったこども、ギラリが突然あらわれ、ジャイアントだだんだんを操って去ってしまいます。夜空から星が消え、デビルスターがあらわれます。クロワッサン星、ゴミラの星、鉄の星は、デビルスターの光線を浴びて、みんな真っ黒な塊にされてしまいます。近づくデビルスターを止めようとするキララですが、一人ではどうすることもできません。そこへばいきんまんがやってきて、ジャイアントだだんだんでアンパンマンたちをおそいます。がんばれ、アンパンマン! みんなの心に星の光がある限り!
それいけ!アンパンマン フランケンロボくんのビックリクリスマス
Batako-san (voice)
Anpanman Christmas special.
それいけ! アンパンマン 妖精リンリンのひみつ
Batako-san (voice)
アンパンマンの強さのひみつは、顔を焼くときに入れる勇気の花のジュース。 それを知ったばいきんまんは、たったひとりで 勇気の花を守っている妖精リンリンをだまし、 リンリンが街に行っているあいだに勇気の花の大地をめちゃめちゃにしてしまいます。 リンリンは勇気の花をさがしに、アンパンマンといっしょに冒険の旅に出ますが……。
クレヨンしんちゃん ちょー嵐を呼ぶ金矛の勇者
シナモン the Movie
Mocha, Chiffon, Cappuccino, Espresso, and Milk go with Cinnamoroll in this adventure of a lifetime. Join them in their quest, meeting new friends like Anna (the girl who found Cinnamoroll/Cinnamon) and discovering new places like the Forest of Pastries and Bread and the Coffee Waterfalls.
アンパンマンとはじめよう!お歌と手あそび編 いっしょにてあそび
Kazumi "Onee-sama" Amano (voice)
西暦2015年。白鳥座宙域で航行中であった「るくしおん」艦隊が、謎の宇宙怪獣の襲来により全滅した。それから6年、宇宙怪獣の襲来に備え沖縄に設立された宇宙パイロット養成学校「沖縄女子宇宙高等学校」の生徒の中に「るくしおん」艦長の娘、タカヤノリコの姿があった…。「私もいつか宇宙パイロットになって、父のいた宇宙に出る!」厳しいコーチの特訓の中で、メキメキを才能を発揮していくノリコ! 今、パイロットのトップになるための、そして地球を守るための、辛く険しい戦いの幕が上がる…!!
Kazumi "Onee-sama" Amano (voice)
西暦2015年。白鳥座宙域で航行中であった「るくしおん」艦隊が、謎の宇宙怪獣の襲来により全滅した。それから6年後、宇宙怪獣の襲来に備えて沖縄に、宇宙パイロット養成学校「沖縄女子宇宙高等学校」が設立された。その生徒の中に「るくしおん」艦長の娘、タカヤノリコの姿があった…。「私もいつか宇宙パイロットになって、父のいた宇宙に出る!」  厳しいコーチの特訓の中で、メキメキを才能を発揮していくノリコ! 今、パイロットのトップになるための、そして地球を守るための、辛く険しい戦いの幕が上がる…!!
それいけ!アンパンマン コキンちゃんとあおいなみだ
Batako-san (voice)
それいけ!アンパンマン くろゆき姫とモテモテばいきんまん
Baikinman is snatched by a black cloud inhabited by a princess who loves black, Kuroyuki-hime (Black Snow). She is immediately thrilled with him and starts making trouble with him, turning everything black. However, both Dokin-chan and Anpanman are determined to stop her.
それいけ!アンパンマン つきことしらたま~ときめきダンシング~
それいけ!アンパンマン 怪傑ナガネギマンとドレミ姫
いつものようにネギの行商をしていたネギーおじさん。何処からともなく聞こえてきた歌声に惹かれてドレミファ城にやってきた。 歌のお礼にとネギをドレミ姫に贈ったネギーおじさんが立ち去ってからしばらくして、今度はばいきんまん達が襲ってきた。異変を知ったアンパンマンとネギーおじさんがドレミファ城にやってくるが、ドレミ姫達を捕らえたばいきんまん達はアンパンマンをやっつける準備をして待ち構えていた。 果たしてアンパンマン達はドレミ姫達を助け出す事が出来るのだろうか?
それいけ!アンパンマン 鉄火のマキちゃんと金のかまめしどん
Batako-san (voice)
Baikinman and Dokin-chan crash the annual mushroom festival and kidnap Kamameshidon’s sweetheart, Kinoko. Kamameshidon is powered up by a lake fairy and turned into Super Gold Kamameshidon. Then he and the rest of the Donburiman-Trio try to rescue Kinoko, but they end up in Mushroom Valley, under the influence of dangerous mushrooms, and Sushi-roll Maki-chan shows up to help save the day.
劇場版 ああっ女神さまっ
Peorth (voice)
Gregory Horror Show: The Nightmare Begins
Angel Dog
A man checks into the Gregory House hotel and experiences a series of bizarre characters and surreal situations while reflecting on his morality and life thus far.
それいけ!アンパンマン 勇気の花がひらくとき
Batako-san (voice)
本当の勇気を持つ者が手にすると、星を作ることが出来る魔法の杖・スタースティック。それを使うことが出来ないキラキラ星のお姫様・キララ姫は、キラキラ星を飛び出して本当の勇気を探す旅に出る。 旅に出てすぐ危ない目にあった彼女はアンパンマンに助けられ、彼に連れられてやって来たアンパンマンワールドでしばらく生活することに。 一方その頃、「鉄の王子様」に扮したばいきんまんは、鉄の星の住人を騙してジャイアントモグリンを作り、アンパンマンを倒そうとアンパンマンワールドへ向かっていた。
ザ☆ドラえもんズ おかしなお菓子なオカシナナ?
世界一のお菓子工場であるオカシナナ王国の「オカシナナまつり」に出場するロボット学校時代の友人・ジェドーラから、お菓子の材料集めを依頼されたザ・ドラえもんズ。 しかし会場に向かう途中で、謎のロボットから妨害を受ける。それは、同じく「オカシナナまつり」に参加するニガニガの差し金であった。さらに、先に無事に到着していた王ドラとエル・マタドーラは取っ組み合いの喧嘩を始めてしまい・・・。 何とか妨害を乗り越えて会場に着いたドラえもんズは、両親の喧嘩で笑わなくなったオカシナナ王国の王女・ハニー姫を喜ばせるお菓子を作ろうと奮闘する。
新機動戦記ガンダムW Endless Waltz 特別篇
Marimeia Barton Khushrenada (voice)
A.C.196年、クリスマスイブ。リリーナ・ドーリアンは外交訪問中のL-3 X18999コロニーで拉致され、一人の少女に出会う。少女の名はマリーメイア。 先年死去した世界国家の元首でOZ総帥を務めたトレーズ・クシュリナーダを父に持 つという。少女が父の覇権を継ぎ新たなる戦いを宣言したその頃、ヒイロ、デュオは 独自のルートでX18999コロニーへの潜入を果たす。が、2人の前に敵となった 五飛とトロワが立ち塞がった!
それいけ!アンパンマン アンパンマンとおかしな仲間
Batako-san (voice)
それいけ! アンパンマン 虹のピラミッド
Batako-san (voice)
ある日、遠足にやってきたアンパンマン達は、空から落ちてきたあめふりおにと孫娘のアメちゃんを助け出す。二人からの話によると、ばいきんまんが虹の玉を盗んでしまい、すなおとこも出現して虹の星が砂漠化してめちゃくちゃになってしまったとの事。 二人の案内で虹の星に向かったアンパンマン達。ところが、すなおとこはやがて虹の星を支配しようとばいきんまんを裏切り、トライアングルを使ってしょくぱんまん、カレーパンマン、ばいきんまん達をピラミッドに変えてしまい、時間が経つと石になってしまう。さらには虹の星の住人であるレインボー王子や虹の子達も、そしてジャムおじさんやメロンパンナ達もピラミッドに変えてしまい絶体絶命! 果たしてアンパンマンは、すなおとこの弱点である水を探し出して、すなおとこの野望を止めさせることができるだろうか?
それいけ!アンパンマン 空とぶ絵本とガラスの靴
Batako (voice)
それいけ!アンパンマン ばいきんまんと3ばいパンチ
Batako-san (voice)
Baikinman and the 3 'Bai' Punch. In order to beat Anpanman, Baikinman joins hands together and forms the "Baikin Trio ".
Sizer (voice)
While on their quest to stop the Demon King, the violinist Hamel, the pianist Raiel, the magess Flute and the female warrior Sizer stop in a small kingdom and destroy a rampaging monster. While giving the four a heroes' welcome, the king and queen explain that their daughter has been kidnapped by a monster living in a nearby castle. They agree to go and rescue the hostage princess and defeat the monster. However, the enemy's castle is heavily guarded...
ドラえもん のび太と銀河超特急
スネ夫が、人気のミステリー列車の切符を3枚手に入れたと自慢する。ジャイアンと静香は、ぜひ連れて行ってほしいとスネ夫に頼み込む。そこへのび太が駆け込むと、お約束通り、スネ夫が「のび太の分はない」と嫌味を告げようとするも、彼はどうでもいいと一蹴。実は、ドラえもんが3日間も帰らないので、その行方を捜していたのだ。結局、その日も当てはなく、すっかり落胆して帰る。 ところが、家に帰ると何事もなかったかのようにドラえもんがいた。どうやら彼の話によると、別の用事で22世紀へ戻った際、長い行列を見て並んでみたら、それは22世紀で大人気の銀河ミステリー列車の切符の販売前で、3日間かかってやっと手に入れたらしい。それを知って大喜びするのび太、二人はさっそくその話題のミステリー列車に乗り込む。それは列車というより宇宙船で、さながら銀河鉄道の夜の世界であった。地球では到底見ることのできない宇宙や惑星の絶景にすっかり感銘を受けたのび太は、お返しとばかりにスネ夫たちを集めて、盛んに自慢した。 そんな話を聞かされては到底黙ってられない3人。ジャイアンも静香も、自分たちも連れて行って欲しいと頼み込む。さらにはスネ夫までもがちゃっかり旅の準備をしていた。こうして、いつものメンバーが揃った所で、銀河超特急の扉が開いた。 そのミステリー列車で到着したのは宇宙の外れにある巨大遊園地「ドリーマーズランド」。ドラえもんたち5人は気の赴くままに楽しむが、一方で謎の生命体「ヤドリ」がハテノハテ星群のある星を根城に、人間支配を企んでいた。
Youko (voice)
プリンセス ミネルバ
Lakuroa Balbis (voice)
Princess Minerva enters a tournament that offers the winner a fortune. But when her bodyguard gets kidnapped by an evil sorceress, things really start to heat up.
クレヨンしんちゃん 雲黒斎の野望
Ring Snowstorm
らんま½ 超無差別決戦! 乱馬チームVS伝説の鳳凰
Shampoo / Small Phoenix (voice)
コズミック・ファンタジー 銀河女豹の罠
Yuu and Saya are two of the top Cosmic Hunters in the galaxy, and Yuu is enjoying a bit of fame after his most recent adventure. The two are on a date when they are interrupted from a distress signal from their "ally", the feline pervert Nyan. In the meantime, the space pirate Belga begins attacking space freighters in an attempt to lure out Yuu, so she can take him to bed with her. Of course, when he spurns her, she decides that if she can't have him, then no one can.
Long ago, the gate to the world of darkness was sealed. Now evil warriors, known as Remnants, are trying to reopen the gate and let demons take over the world. However, at Tobira High School, exist guardians of the gate who must risk their lives to prevent the gate from being opened.
美味しんぼ 日米コメ戦争
Noriko Hanamura (voice)
The Oishinbo gang takes time off from the normal culinary wars to get involved with a political dispute about American rice imports. The economic conflict between a pushy US Senator from California and a nationalistic Japanese politician is further complicated by concerns about the cumulative effect of pesticide use in both American and Japanese agriculture.
それいけ! アンパンマン 恐竜ノッシーの大冒険
Anpanman dinosaur 'Nessie' adventure. Will Anpanmen really be able to save the land of dinosaurs by defeating Baikinman and Gorongora?
Dragon Half
Vena (voice)
Mink - the daughter of a dragon and a retired dragonslaying knight - sets out on a journey to get tickets for a concert held by Dick Saucer, world-famous teen idol and dragon hunter. Meanwhile, the corrupt king of the land is trying to take her hostage to get at her mother, and his magic-using daughter seeks to foil Mink's quest out of sheer spite.
美味しんぼ 究極対至高 長寿料理対決!!
Noriko Hanamura (voice)
Culinary journalists Shirou Yamaoka and Yuuko Kurita must prepare the menu that will represent the Touzai Newspaper on an upcoming competition against the Teito Newspaper. The theme: food that promotes longevity. For a better research, both journalists head to Okinawa, place with the highest life expectancy in Japan.
楽しいムーミン一家 ムーミン谷の彗星
Little My (voice)
それいけアンパンマン: アンパンマンとゆかいな仲間たち
Three stories develop familiar Anpanman and popular characters gathered together and filled with love and dreams. Every single talk is short, so even a tired child should be able to sit still in front of the TV: (1) Akachanman's Great Adventure. (2) Currypanman and SL-man. (3) Sing! Anpanman's Dream
らんま½ 中国寝崑崙大決戦! 掟やぶりの激闘篇!
Shampoo (voice)
それいけ!アンパンマン ドキンちゃんのドキドキカレンダー
Dokin-chan sings and dances on a big stage with a gorgeous set. Finally she she appears to have the chance to host a variety show. The calendar is flipped over as we look back over the episodes of previous seasons.
Sol Bianca 2
April Bikirk
The crew of the pirate ship Sol Bianca are out to steal some of the most valuable substance in the universe--Pasha. Small problem: they're not the only space pirates after the stuff. But, no big deal--they'll just burgle the burglars. That works out fine, except that the captain of the other ship doesn't take his defeat lightly and manages to infect the Sol Bianca with some machine-eating worms before getting arrested. Now they're stuck in jumpspace, and worse yet for the five, June is as sick as the ship and they don't even know what's wrong with her. By the time the crew figures out why nothing works, the police have shown up and the only plan they manage to come up with is to have Feb and April surrender and wait for the ship to recover. There's also a mysterious fellow who is not only trying to corner the market on Pasha, but seems to know all about the Sol Bianca and her crew--and he wants the captured pair transferred into his custody immediately.
修羅之介斬魔劍 死鎌紋の男
Princess Mayu (voice)
Shurannosuke Sakaki is a masterless samurai with a razor-sharp katana and a cold-hearted personality. Whenever you see the mark of two crossed scythes on his back, death is sure to follow. Because of his exceptional swordsmanship, Shurannosuke is hired by the Nakura Clan to rescue Princess Mayu from the Seki Ninja. In this mission, he must use his full potential to survive the Seki Ninja's notorious henchmen.
それいけ!アンパンマン ばいきんまんの逆襲
Anpanman and Baikinman fight. Can Anpanman and friends regain the magic pot from Baikinman and rescue Princess Yada's land...?
Taeko Yasuda
Car racing anime, based on the manga by Kaoru Shintani that serialised in Big Comic Superior from 1988 to 1990.
Sol Bianca
April Bikirk (voice)
Five female pirates pilot the Sol Bianca, a starship with a higher level of technology than any other known. With it, they seek out riches, such as the Gnosis, an legendary item of power, and pasha, the most valuable mineral in the galaxy.
Two stories: 1. When a gorgeous girl named Rima transfers into Masami's class, she's not only jealous, but also deathly frightened of her. While the boys in class are tripping all over themselves to get to Rima, Masami's having nightmares of a ghastly visitor and finding scars on her body come morning. She asks a friend to help her get evidence to confirm her suspicions about the new girl. But if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth far more. 2. Shy Miko and her more outgoing friend Nanako are enjoying their summer vacation, trying to make the most of their youth. But when horror-movie marathons just aren't thrilling enough, Nanako sets her eyes on a new target: an abandoned mansion at the edge of town, said to be haunted. With two other friends in tow, a reluctant Miko and a gung-ho Nanako enter the mansion. Soon, everything that can go wrong starts going wrong.
Kaoru (voice)
Forgiven of her crime of looking into the past life of the one she loved, Yama Rikudou is a powerful being from the underworld sent to the human realm to hunt demons. She must eliminate the overflowing evil here in order to provide some balance to this world.
Peace (voice)
In the late twentieth century, the Secret Security Force was formed to stop the actions of the communist terrorist group known as the Red May. Angel, a beautiful, yet cold woman, has recently joined the small anti-terrorist group. But her first mission will be a true test of skill, for members of the Red May are being found dead, murdered by gruesome methods. Who is causing these murders? And why? Written by Chuck "Dark-Side" Williamson
Jiji (voice)
Akai Kiba: Blue Sonnet
Naru Haibara
Sonnet is a cyborg/esper from a harsh background and now trained to be the ultimate warrior and most powerful weapon in the world. She is sent to Japan to watch Komatsuzaki Lan, who is thought to be controlled by the rage of the esper Akai Kiba (Crimson Fang). Lan is a quiet girl who knows she's different from everybody else and starts to show signs of Crimson Fang after coming into contact with Sonnet. In the course of fighting with Lan, Sonnet starts to rediscover her humanity. At the same time Lan has to fight to retain her humanity and control the Crimson Fang.
Si Aen (voice)
Parts 3 & 4. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
Fatima Clotho
Mysterious monstrous alien creatures attack Earth's colonies. This OVA focuses on Juan "Johnnie" Rico who joins the army because of Carmen, a girl he likes, his days in boot camps, his losses and Earth's first counterattack.
Tama-chan (voice)
Noriyasu seems like an average third-grader, but his life goes haywire after he catches his mother reading his private daily journal. In an effort to astonish her, he begins writing outlandish lies about a giant snake in the bathroom, cooking pencils for dinner, and a rain of pigs, but Noriyasu is the one who's shocked when his writings play out in reality and everyone else treats the events as normal. Things become even more chaotic when he takes several stabs at being a newspaperman, producing “fake news” that become the talk of the town and one resulting in an apocalyptic porcine holiday.
Si Aen (voice)
Parts 1 & 2. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
Mika Kanda (voice)
Yamazaki Ryouhei is a cool twenty-three year old, with an extremely high sex drive. A smooth talker with the lady killing eyes and a winning smile, we follow him in his never-ending search for the perfect woman. When Yamazaki catches the eye of the beautiful senior editor, Oda Yuki, you know he's not just going far, he's going all the way. He lucks into a job at Potato Boy magazine that seems just made for him, but just how far can you get if your only hobby is looking at naked women? Now he's aiming for the top, turning Potato Boy magazine into one hell of a publication. No one expected things to get so hot, so quickly, but Yamazaki knows what he wants and he knows how to get it. Don't think he will take no for an answer!
Mitsuko (voice)
西暦2106年。太陽系冥王星にある宇宙基地から一機のハイパーロケットが出発した。この正体不明のロケットを追い、防衛戦闘部隊も後を追うが相手は太陽系を脱して飛び去ってしまう。その機体色からいつしかピンクショック号と呼ばれたロケットに乗るのは16歳の美少女、ミッチーこと速水ミツコだ。宇宙各地を暴走して止まないミッチーとピンクショック号。はたして彼女の目的は? そこにはミッチーが4歳の時にひとりの少年ヒロシと交わした約束が隠されている……。
ラブ・ポジション ハレー伝説
Yumi Toraba (voice)
An agent who was sent riding on Halley's comet to the earth. He was actually given an order to destroy the earth. Captivated by planet's beauty, however, he is no longer able to destroy the planet. Seventy-six years later, another agent from Halley's comet is sent to the earth to liquidate this traitor, who is now disguised as a girl named Lamina in Vietnam.