James Marett


The Quick and the Dead
In 1876 Wyoming, the gun is the only law. And for Duncan and Suzanna McKaskel, newly arrived settlers beset by outlaws, rugged frontiersman Con Vallian is the only hope.
ダーティファイター 燃えよ鉄拳
Philo takes part in a bare knuckle fight - as he does - to make some more money than he can earn from his car repair business. He decides to retire from fighting, but when the Mafia come along and arrange another fight, he is pushed into it. A motorcycle gang and an orangutan called Clyde all add to the 'fun'.
The North Avenue Irregulars
Transportation Captain
When crooks set up operations in a traditional town, a minister and a group of church ladies are willing to do anything, no matter how wacky, to get them out.
アメリカ建国200年記念として製作されたクリント・イーストウッド監督・主演の西部劇。 南北戦争末期。ある日、農夫のジョゼイ・ウェルズは、突然現われたテリルという男が率いる北軍直属の一隊に妻子を殺されてしまう。怒りに燃えるジョゼイは銃を携えてフレッチャーらレジスタンスに加わり、復讐に立ち上がった。しかし、間もなくテリルの策略にはめられ、仲間の多くが殺される。その難を逃れたジョゼイは独り、インディアンの土地をさすらうことに。やがて彼は、その道中でチェロキー族や美しい女性ローラと出会い、共に旅を続けていく。だがその一方、執拗にジョゼイの行方を追うテリルたちの影が徐々に迫っていた…。
The Master Gunfighter
Don Santiago (Richard Angarola) is a vicious man who helps provoke an Indian massacre that will allow him to steal the Indians' land and claim it as his own. However, his son-in-law, Finley (Tom Laughlin), is an expert hand with both guns and swords and will not allow him to push around the peace-loving Indians or fellow settlers of the West.
Rancho Deluxe
Jack McKee and Cecil Colson are two bumbling drifters who make a living by rustling cattle from other peoples herds in the wilds of Montana. Jack is from a wealthy background but left his parents as he resented their posh lives, and Cecil is a Native American half-breed seeking his own path in life away from his father. Both hustle and rustle their way in the world by targeting cattle owned by wealthy ranch owner John Brown. Frustrated that someone is killing his cattle, John hires a pair of ranch hands Burt and Curt to find the rustlers. When Brown realizes he cannot trust his two inept ranch hands, he turns to the grizzled former rustler Henry Beige to find the cattle thieves, while Jack and Cecil are always one step ahead of them, not realizing that their luck will eventually run out sometime.
Carefree single guy Charlie Waters rooms with two lovely prostitutes, Barbara Miller and Susan Peters, and lives to gamble. Along with his glum betting buddy, Bill Denny, Charlie sets out on a gambling streak in search of the ever-elusive big payday. While Charlie and Bill have some lucky moments, they also have to contend with serious setbacks that threaten to derail their hedonistic betting binge.