About half a year before the opening of the patisserie, La Soleil where the catgirls work with Kashou. Back when Chocola and Vanilla were still kittens when they first arrived at the Minazuki household and before they opened up to the other catgirls.
About half a year before the opening of the patisserie, La Soleil where the catgirls work with Kashou. Back when Chocola and Vanilla were still kittens when they first arrived at the Minazuki household and before they opened up to the other catgirls.
水無月嘉祥(みなづき かしょう)は伝統ある老舗和菓子屋である実家を出て、パティシエとして自身のケーキ屋『ラ・ソレイユ』を一人で開店する。
追い返そうとするも二匹の必死の嘆願に嘉祥が折れて、ついに一人と二匹でソレイユをオープンすることに。 大好きなご主人様のために、失敗しながらも一生懸命頑張るネコ二匹が織り成す、このハートフルなネココメディ、ここに開店!