The film is set in a remote village of Assam,India. It revolves around Khagen, a farmer, whose wife dies is an incident. He struggles to carry the dead body in his bicycle back home from the hospital due to the unavailability of an ambulance. As he walks through the pebbled roads with the body and his young daughter,he comes across two reporters and as a result, their journey turns to a different battle altogether.
DSP Konwar
Inspector Boro is an incorruptible, no-nonsense cop highly skilled in martial arts who gets suspended for bashing up a well connected gang of traffickers. A Superintendent of Police asks him to unofficially track down a girl named Sabrina Rai who has been missing for four days. While investigating, he learns that someone had taken her from her village to Guwahati city under the pretext of training her for the hospitality industry. While trying to track her down, Inspector Boro finds that her phone is switched off and she is missing from her hostel. He then heads to Guwahati and punches and kicks his way to the uncomfortable truth - Sabrina might have been entangled in a trafficking ring run by a corrupt policeman.