Han Sa-myung

Han Sa-myung

出生 : 1986-01-20,


Han Sa-myung


A stylish crime, action film about a CEO of a private detective agency and a prosecutor to catch the axis of evil.
One day, 25 years ago, missing Chun-bae's letter is delivered to his cousin, Jjang-goo. The letter contains Chun-bae's lover, Bok-soon, and other people's letters. Jjang-goo finds Bok-soon to deliver the letter and meets class president Jang together. The three people recall their memories from 25 years ago, and eventually faced the person who sent the letter. Through that, the tangles begin to unravel.
Junho who avoids relationship commitments he runs into Eunji, who he had met through a dating application. Junho suggests that they date without any responsibilities, and they begin an undefined relationship.
Cinema with you
Sun-mi works at a reception desk of a public institution in Daegu, Korea. Nothing happens to her, and she has the same lunch every day. One day, a message is sent to her. This little incident in her ordinary life stimulates her curiosity. Saturday morning, a film director Ga-young participates into a Q&A section of her new movie entitled The Murder at Cinema. Eun-jung, a foreman in a production line, tries to find Min-cheol who disappeared with the book of accounts. She meets his acquaintances to ask where they saw him, and finally she heads to the cinema where she heard that he often visits.
タクシー運転手 約束は海を越えて
College Student Demonstrator
Young-eun's Boyfriend
A fine arts student meets an attractive bartender, and the two women begin an intimate relationship.
Bitch Heart Asshole
We have a button on our bodies. It erases the bad memories from us. Everything bad and embarassing. But it only shows to other people; those who have sincerity. Jeong-nam delivers imitation goods and not the real ones. Jin sells herself and not flowers. In an alley in front of the cleaner's, Jin is waiting for someone while counting. However, no one is coming. Jin watches Jeong-nam who asks her what time it is several times but she's as cold as ice towards him as if she's never seen him before. Jeong-nam had saved Jin from her pimp who was beating her up in the back alley but still there's awkwardness between them. Then one day, Jin finds Jeong-nam abandoned in a pile of trash after being beat up by his clients, so he takes him home and they start living together and go on trips despite their bad start. They dream of a new life for each other. Will they get the life they want?
A Wonderful Moment
A musical director who craves advancement participates in a musical which picks the role of a king in a survival method as a mentor. There he meets a multicultural child who becomes partners with him and experiences his first intentions and inspiration.
Young Kang Do-hyeok
10人もの女性が殺害された連谷(ヨンゴク)殺人事件。刑事のチェ・ヒョングは、殺人犯をギリギリまで追い詰めるも、顔を深く切り付けられて犯人を取り逃がしてしまう。17年の後、イ・ドゥソクという男が自分が事件の犯人だと名乗りを上げた。 時効が成立して法に裁かれることはなくなったドゥソクは、事件の全容を克明に記した本「私が殺人犯だ」を出版する。衝撃的な内容と、その美しいルックスが相まって告白本は瞬く間に300万部のベストセラーになり、彼は一躍スターとなった。 ヒョングはドゥソクに怒りを募らせる一方、彼が告白本には書かれていない未解決の失踪事件の真犯人ではないかと確信する。 ドゥソクは因縁の相手ヒョングへの卑劣な挑発によってメディアの注目を集めようと企む。そして事件の被害者遺族がドゥソクの殺害を画策する事件までもが発生。メディアの報道はますます過熱する。 そんな中、連谷事件の凶器を証拠品として真犯人を名乗るJという人物が現れる。
Soldier Kim
Brave and sexy and hot Hallyu idols are coming! Ryoko the AV movie goddess is getting tired of AV movies. She feels somethings wrong when she hears that her next movie is taking place in Seoul, Korea where Hallyu is centralized. She goes through trouble starting from the Incheon Airport with depthless production fees and unexperienced staff. Then she meets idol wannabe Yuna. Ryoko lies to her that she is a popular Japanese idol actress and takes her to the AV movie set. The AV movie director is interested in the new face and casts her right away in a new AV movie. Will they be able to make this new AV movie?
Inspired by the true story of Kim Kyung-ho, a math professor who was arrested for shooting a crossbow at the presiding judge of his appeal against unfair dismissal.
In Love and the War
In June 1950, soon after the start of the Korean War, a troop of North Korean soldiers enter a small South Korean village. Captain Jeong-woong proclaims that they came to liberate the villagers but their true agenda is to ferret out the reactionaries. The villagers and Seol-hee, who is separated from her fiance on her wedding day, offer them heartfelt hospitality and cooperation to avoid falling out of the army's favor. Eventually friendships starts to build up between the soldiers and the villagers.
Arcade Man
食客2 優しいキムチの作り方
"Le Grand Chef 2" begins with the Korean president visiting the Japanese Prime Minister and becoming involved in a heated debate over the origins of kimchi. The Japanese Prime Minister makes the bold claim that kimchi is an original Japanese dish which sets off the Korean president. Upon the Korean's president return home he sets upon a globalization plan for kimchi, which includes a nationwide "Kimchi Contest". Then, a lady named Jang-eun (Kim Jung-Eun) and her step-brother Sung-Chan (Jin Goo) compete in the Kimchi dish contest, with both siblings using their mother's kimchi recipe.