Kim Hyun-jung


Makeup & Hair
In 1933, when Korea was under Japanese occupation, five people in Gyeongseong are suspected to be “Phantom” spies of the anti-Japanese organization.
宇宙+人 1部
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Gurus in the late Goryeo dynasty try to obtain a fabled, holy sword, and humans in 2022 hunt down an alien prisoner that is locked in a human's body. The two parties cross paths when a time-traveling portal opens up.
魔女 Part2. The Other One
Makeup & Hair
A girl wakes up in a huge secret laboratory, then accidentally meets another girl who is trying to protect her house from a gang. The mystery girl overthrows the gang with her unexpected powers, and laboratory staff set out to find her.
Makeup & Hair
Unable to remember anything about his life, a man begins regaining consciousness in a new body every 12 hours. Now, he must piece together his identity, all while evading attacks from pursuing agents and dangerous criminals alike.
Makeup & Hair
A lawyer tries to prove her mother’s innocence and uncover the secrets of a small village with the help of the local mayor. Her mother was accused of murder after the rice wine was poisoned at her husband’s funeral, but she is suffering from memory loss and cannot defend herself.
SP 国家情報局:Mr.ZOO
Makeup & Hair
ひょんなことから動物たちの心の声が聞こえるようになった国家情報局員の奮闘を描いた韓国製アクションコメディ。海外への栄転が近い国家情報局員のチュ・テジュは、韓中国交樹立25周年の記念イベントで、中国から寄贈されるパンダを護衛することに。しかし謎の集団に急襲され、パンダを奪われてしまう。頭部を強打した彼は、目覚めるとなぜか動物たちの心の声が聞こえるようになっていた。上司に信じてもらえず任務から外された彼は、元軍用犬のアリとともにパンダの行方を追う。「工作 黒金星と呼ばれた男」のイ・ソンミンが主演を務め、「高地戦」のシン・ハギュンが声の出演。
Makeup & Hair
「新感染 ファイナル・エクスプレス」で一躍トップスターとなり、マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース(MCU)作品「エターナルズ」でハリウッド進出を果たすマ・ドンソク主演のバイオレンスアクション。凶悪なヤクザの組長チャン・ドンスが、ある夜何者かによってめった刺しにされた。奇跡的に一命をとりとめたドンスは、対立する組織の犯行を疑い、犯人捜しに動き出す。一方、警察サイドで捜査にあたるチョン刑事は暴力的な手段も辞さない荒くれ者として、署内でも問題刑事として知られていた。まだ世間の誰も気づいていない連続無差別殺人鬼がこの事件の犯人であると確信したチョン刑事は、その手がかりを求めてドンスにつきまとう。ドンスとチョン刑事は互いに敵意をむき出しにするが、狡猾な殺人鬼を突き止めるには互いの情報が必要であると悟り、共闘して犯人を追い詰めてゆく。2019年・第32回東京国際映画祭の「シン・ファンタ/復活!?東京国際ファンタスティック映画祭ナイト」(19年11月2日)で上映。
Makeup & Hair
Pastor Park is head of a religious investigation center that exposes cults and cult leaders. While looking into a suspicious new religion called Deer Mount, he slowly uncovers clues that connect this cult to a series of mysterious cases of missing teenage girls when a body is found inside a damaged tunnel beams. He begins to uncover dark secrets surrounding this cult and its enforcer Na-han.
MAL·MO·E: The Secret Mission
Makeup & Hair
During the Japanese occupation of Korea, the Japanese Empire seeks to eradicate the Korean language and identity. In retaliation, a small group of Korean patriots try to protect their language by compiling the first Korean language dictionary.
工作 黒金星(ブラック・ヴィーナス)と呼ばれた男
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The Witch/魔女
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Ja-yoon is a high school student who struggles with memory loss after she endured some unknown trauma during her childhood. While trying to uncover the truth, she is unwittingly dragged into a world of crime and finds herself on a journey that will awaken many secrets hidden deep within.
New Trial
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A taxi driver is found dead, and Hyun-woo, the only witness, charged with a murder and serves 10 years in prison. While offering pro bono services, a lawyer Junyoung meets Hyun-woo, and they begin their journey to prove his innocence.
Makeup & Hair
When an earthquake hits a Korean village housing a run-down nuclear power plant, a man risks his life to save the country from imminent disaster.
Makeup & Hair
Makeup & Hair
In 1925 Korea, Japanese rulers demand the last remaining tiger be killed. The tiger easily defeats his pursuers until a legendary hunter takes him on.
Inside Men
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A disgruntled henchman teams up with an ambitious prosecutor to bring down a leading presidential candidate and the news editor behind him who is truly pulling the strings.
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Since she was young, Soo-Nam has been able to do anything well with her hands. She holds 14 different certificates for typing excellence, but a computer takes over her job. Luckily, she finds a new job and marries. Soo-Nam and her husband decide to buy a house. They take out a loan to pay for their home. Soo-Nam works hard to pay off the loan, but she falls into more debt. Then an opportunity arises to pay off all her debts at once.
Makeup & Hair
When an old collaborator gets severely injured, a veteran policeman tries to figure out the way to bring to justice the ultimately suspected aggressor, a spoiled young executive, heir to a mega corporation, who believes he is above the law.
Makeup & Hair
In response to a sudden dismissal of staff, workers at a big retail store begin a protest against their employer's oppressive labor policies.
Makeup & Hair
A hitman accidentally kills a little girl. Filled with regret, he wants to quit. But then to tie up loose ends, he is forced to go on another job, to kill the girl's mother.
Manshin: Ten Thousand Spirits
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A life documentary of a woman who was shunned for being possessed by spirits as a girl, oppressed for following superstitions as an adult, how she grows to be a great shaman who embraces the pain of all people, and how she comes to be honored as a national treasure of Korea with her outstanding artistic talents throughout Korea's tumultuous history.
Makeup & Hair
Makeup & Hair
An undercover cop has his loyalties tested when the boss of the corporate gang he's spent years infiltrating dies.
Love Fiction
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A writer looking for inspiration finds a perfect muse in a girl. After much work, he makes her his girlfriend. But then he starts to get tired of her.
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Night Fishing
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A man casually sets up for a fishing trip at the water's edge. Evening comes and a tug on his line presents him with the body of a woman.
Makeup & Hair
The Cyrano Agency is a dating agency which helps people who can't date to have a love life. The agency staff try helping their clients without being noticed. The agency's representatives Byeong-hoon and Min-yeong are giving their best to pair up their client, Sang-yong, with his love interest named Hee-joong. But when Byeong-hun sees Hee-joong's profile, he begins to doubt their abilities. Will "Cyrano Agency" succeed in their mission?
Break Away
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It intermittently captures a delicate moment of emotional breakdown. Absconding soldiers with an unfair story to tell, and a woman helping them, all come to a point at the end of the film.
Makeup & Hair
Makeup & Hair
Dr. Jung Nam finds a photo album dating back to his days as an intern at the Ansaeng Hospital. This triggers memories of his life. In 1942, as a young medical intern, Jung-Nam's arranged marriage ended when his fiancée, whom he had never met, committed suicide. Later he was assigned to monitor the morgue late at night. There he fell in love with a corpse, which is later revealed as the body of his deceased fiancée. Soon other mysterious events take place in the hospital, involving a young girl haunted by ghosts and a serial killer targeting Japanese soldiers.
Makeup & Hair
Young-goon, mentally deranged and frequently electro-charging herself with a transistor radio, has been admitted into a mental institution. Firmly believing herself to be a cyborg, she refuses to consume like a human being. Il-soon is another patient, who catches the eye of Young-goon and soon becomes a close friend. Il-soon is now confronted with the biggest task: to cure Young-goon's mental problem and have her eat real food.
Makeup & Hair
An Asian cross-cultural trilogy of horror films from accomplished indie directors: Dumplings, directed by Fruit Chan of Hong Kong, Cut directed by Park Chan-Wook of Korea, and Box directed by Miike Takashi of Japan.
Makeup & Hair
A successful film director and his wife are kidnapped by an extra, who forces the director to play his sadistic games. If he fails, his wife’s fingers will be chopped off one by one every five minutes.