Toshio Nabeshima


四国の山奥にある小さな村。坊之宮家の女が代々受け継いできた狗神様。この坊之宮家は、“執りつかれると食い殺される”と、村人たちから忌み嫌われる狗神筋の家系でありながらも、村では平穏な日々を過ごしていた。 そんなある日、村に小学校教師として青年、奴田原晃が現れ、坊之宮の女・美希と関係を持ってしまう……。
Tatsuya is on a honeymoon in Australia. A couple of unfortunate encounters land him in jail, where he’s imprisoned without a chance of ever getting out again. His wife tries her best to launch an appeal, but it’s Tatsuya’s inmates who are his best chance of escaping his current predicament.
Keiichi (Kenichi Hagiwara) is a weather man. He gets involved with two married women, Yoshiko (Mitsuko Baisho) and Miyoko (Chieko Baisho). Both want to divorce but are trapped in meaningless marriages. While being undecided of who he wants to chose, Keiichi witnesses passions boil to an unforgiving climax.
At a Japanese school, a desperate student council struggles with a recurring problem. The aggressive and relentless members of the Yagyu biker gang stop by the school each semester to beat up the kids, steal their lunch money and vandalize their belongings. The kids want to fight back but realize they're too weak and undermanned against the bikers, and so they hire a handful of tough gals to train and defend them.