Jun Akiyama

Jun Akiyama

出生 : , Kobe, Japan


Jun Akiyama


A young music lover named Asano Daiyoshi died at the young age of 20. In that fact, there is a feeling that a miracle that cannot be imagined overflows the bonds of many people. Feel the brilliance of life that you can live powerfully even if it is short. It's a movie that everyone can sympathize with and give courage to tomorrow.
Detective Ryoko Kozuki receives a demotion after having an affair with a superior. She succeeds in arresting a rapist in an undercover operation that puts her at risk. Her achievement immediately becomes the talk of the precinct, but no one approaches her because of her past. Ryoko is determined to bring criminals to justice. She takes on “The Prime Ministerial Candidate Snipe Case” which took place 15 years earlier.
『ハッピー・リタイアメント』 (Happy Retirement) は、浅田次郎の小説。30年以上前の借金(法律上は時効である)に道義的責任を感じて返済した、という浅田自身の実体験を元にしている。2015年10月18日にテレビ朝日系の「日曜エンタ」枠でドラマ特別企画として放送。主演は佐藤浩市。
After years of trying, Kyoko and her husband Takehiro are finally pregnant. But their joy at the prospect of becoming parents ends suddenly when they learn Kyoko has stage four cancer. They now must face agonizing decisions that force them to choose between the life of Kyoko or the health of their baby. Adapted from a true story.
最後の晩餐 〜刑事・遠野一行と七人の容疑者〜
On the first day of opening, a small Italian restaurant is set on fire, killing three customers, and the unidentified survivor, who was injured and taken to hospital, somehow escapes. Detective Tono and his team, who are renowned for their interrogation skills, realise from evidence left at the scene that there are still survivors who have fled the scene. After obtaining information about the customers from the owner-chef, who was slightly injured, Tono visits the suspects, but they all seem to be acting strangely and are hiding something. The hidden relationship between the suspects, who seemed unrelated, is then revealed.