Lee Seo-hwan

Lee Seo-hwan

出生 : 1973-03-06,


Lee Seo-hwan


Director Oh
A story of how Park Kang’s life is changed on Christmas day. Park Kang is a popular actor, but he is also a scandal maker. His manager is Jo Yoon and they are also long-time friends. One day, Park Kang’s ex-girlfriend Soo Hyun suddenly appears in front of Park Kang.
A stylish crime, action film about a CEO of a private detective agency and a prosecutor to catch the axis of evil.
Traces of Love
Team Leader
Ju Yeong is a woman who longs for her ex-boyfriend but doesn't want to accept it. As she ends a short-term relationship with a very obsessive co-worker, her ex-boyfriend suddenly shows up as a new hire that she has to train. However, as rumors spread about her troubled relationship with the two co-workers, she finally realizes it was all her shortcomings that made it this way. (Source: Viu)
A retired contract killer goes on a bloody rampage when a young girl finds herself at the mercy of gangland human traffickers and only one man can come to her rescue, with an arsenal of weapons and years of experience in the art of killing.
Forbidden Dream
Eunuch Jeong
A true historical drama about King Sejong, the greatest ruler in Joseon history who sought to enhance national prosperity and military power through astronomy, and Jang Yeong-sil, the most remarkable scientist.
Choi Jeong-gyu
「新感染 ファイナル・エクスプレス」で一躍トップスターとなり、マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース(MCU)作品「エターナルズ」でハリウッド進出を果たすマ・ドンソク主演のバイオレンスアクション。凶悪なヤクザの組長チャン・ドンスが、ある夜何者かによってめった刺しにされた。奇跡的に一命をとりとめたドンスは、対立する組織の犯行を疑い、犯人捜しに動き出す。一方、警察サイドで捜査にあたるチョン刑事は暴力的な手段も辞さない荒くれ者として、署内でも問題刑事として知られていた。まだ世間の誰も気づいていない連続無差別殺人鬼がこの事件の犯人であると確信したチョン刑事は、その手がかりを求めてドンスにつきまとう。ドンスとチョン刑事は互いに敵意をむき出しにするが、狡猾な殺人鬼を突き止めるには互いの情報が必要であると悟り、共闘して犯人を追い詰めてゆく。2019年・第32回東京国際映画祭の「シン・ファンタ/復活!?東京国際ファンタスティック映画祭ナイト」(19年11月2日)で上映。
FSS Team leader
Aspiring stockbroker Il-hyun dreams of making big money, but being a rookie without the right connections makes it difficult for him to survive in the cut-throat world of stock exchange market. So when he is approached by the ‘ticket man’, an anonymous mastermind who secretly controls the stock market, he takes the chance despite the dire consequences.
MAL·MO·E: The Secret Mission
Director Lee
During the Japanese occupation of Korea, the Japanese Empire seeks to eradicate the Korean language and identity. In retaliation, a small group of Korean patriots try to protect their language by compiling the first Korean language dictionary.
Warble Fly
Room No.7
Drunk Man
In a DVD-themed sex hotel, a young employee has hidden drugs in room #7 for criminals in exchange for wiping off his debt. But then his boss hides a dead body in the same room and locks the door. And a dangerous battle of wits ensues between a man who must lock away the secret behind the door, and another, who must go inside.
The Mayor
For the first time in Korean history, the mayor of Seoul attempts a third term in office, with his entire campaign team ready to soil their hands.