Lee Se-ri


The 8th Night
With prayer beads in one hand and an ax in the other, a monk hunts down a millennia-old spirit that's possessing humans and unleashing hell on Earth.
The Culprit
Someone brutally murders Young-hoon’s wife. A hair sample was found on his wife’s body and the detectives use it to trace it back to his friend Joon-sung and locks him up. Seemingly becoming a murder’s wife overnight, Da-yeon asks Young-hoon to testify on his behalf but when he doesn’t show up for the trial, she goes to visit him at his house.
Stand by Me
A grandpa finds out he is not going to live for much longer so he decides to prepare for his grandson's future with something special.
Fists of Legend
Line Producer
Three men who share a past participate in a mixed martial arts reality show where they have to fight against other contestants to win the prize money.
Production Manager
Kim Sang-nam (Jeong Jae-yeong), a hot-tempered former professional baseball player, is sent to the countryside to coach a team of hearing-impaired players in order to avoid media coverage of his recent involvement in an assault case. At first, Kim has a difficult time imagining how he can teach baseball to a group of boys who can't hear, but as he spends time with them he starts to believe that they can play the game. Motivated, Kim decides to help them prepare for the nationals. But things don't go the way Kim plans and their difficulties communicating with one another exacerbates the situation
Production Manager
1978年頃、ベトナム戦争帰りのよそ者ユ・モッキョンは村の祈祷院で修行に励み、人望を得ていた。 約30年後、息子のヘグクは父モッキョンが死んだと知らせを受け、疎遠だった父の葬儀のために村にやって来る。ヘグクは刑事だったが、失職して離婚。村は元刑事の村長チョン・ヨンドクによって牛耳られており、村人たちは喪主のヘグクを歓迎しない。葬儀後にはソウルへ帰ることを促す村人たちの意に反して、父の死に疑問を持ったヘグクは村にとどまる。