Judith Kerr


Mog's Christmas
Follows the Thomas’s attempts to rescue their cat from the top of a tree. Despite everyone’s fears, Mog has a magical night in the snow with a cat-themed Christmas dream.
The Tiger Who Came to Tea
On a rainy day, a mother and daughter forego a trip to the park to bake pastries and partake in a two-person tea party when an unexpected guest menacingly invites himself into the house and ransacks the food and drink in the house.
ドイツの絵本作家ジュディス・カーが少女時代の体験を基につづった自伝的小説「ヒトラーにぬすまれたももいろうさぎ」を、「名もなきアフリカの地で」のカロリーヌ・リンク監督が映画化。1933年2月。ベルリンで両親や兄と暮らす9歳のアンナは、ある朝突然、「家族でスイスに逃げる」と母から告げられる。新聞やラジオでヒトラーへの痛烈な批判を展開していた演劇批評家でユダヤ人でもある父は、次の選挙でのヒトラーの勝利が現実味を帯びてきたことに身の危険を感じ、密かに亡命の準備を進めていたのだ。持ち物は1つだけと言われたアンナは大好きなピンクのうさぎのぬいぐるみに別れを告げ、過酷な逃亡生活へと踏み出していく。アンナの父を「帰ってきたヒトラー」のオリバー・マスッチ、母を「ブレードランナー 2049」のカーラ・ジュリ、心優しいユリウスおじさんを「お名前はアドルフ?」のユストゥス・フォン・ドーナニーが演じた。
Hitler, the Tiger and Me
Beautiful story about effervescent ninety-year-old children's book author and illustrator Judith Kerr - (a true delight) - recounting her childhood escape from Hitler and eventual return to Berlin.
Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl
Anna is a Jewish girl in Germany. When the Nazis come to power in the 1930s, her family has to flee the country without being able to bring any of their belongings. Even young Anna's pink toy rabbit has been confiscated along with the family's other possessions. Initially the family lives in Switzerland, but even here they come to feel the antisemitism. And when money becomes scarce, and Anna's father can't find work as a journalist and Jew, they move on to France, where they are no long submitted to racial discrimination, but struggle financially. Eventually the entire family manages to go to England.