Wally Fairweather
出生 : , Fareham, Hampshire, England, UK
Director of Photography
The Australian Bucks Party. The last bastion of primeval male society. A brutal, savage, yet humourous study of a dying male ritual.
Camera Operator
When the British government orders the assassination of an Air Ministry official suspected of leaking top secret intel, their top assassin assigned to the job discovers there may be more to the hit than meets the eye.
Second Unit Director of Photography
A young man's attempts at seduction and social climbing lead to mayhem.
Camera Operator
When June Buckridge arrives at her London flat and announces 'They are going to murder me', her long-time lover and doll-cuddling flat mate Alice 'Childie' McNaught realizes that things are going to change. For June is referring to her character 'Sister George', a lovable nurse she portrays in a popular daytime serial. To make matters worse, the widowed executive at the BBC responsible for the decision to kill off Sister George - Mercy Croft is also a predatory lesbian who is after Childie and will stop at nothing to get what she wants.
Focus Puller
秘密組織スメルシュによって各国の諜報部員が次々と抹殺されて行く。英情報部は、007のコードネームを後輩に譲り今では隠居生活を営む元祖ジェームズ・ボンドにスメルシュ打倒を依頼するが……。ショーン・コネリーの007が人気を博していた当時、唯一版権が製作会社イオン・プロになかった『カジノ・ロワイヤル』をプロデューサー、チャールズ・K・フェルドマンがコロムビアで映画化した一大パロディ。笑いは泥臭く全く洗練されていないし、5人の監督の個性が裏目に出たのかシーンによっての落差が激しく、お世辞にも良く出来た作品とは言い難いが、とにかく賑やか。呆けて見るにはこれ以上の映画はないだろう。バート・バカラックの音楽は絶品、大ヒット主題歌“愛のおもかげ(Look of Love)”も素晴らしくサウンドトラックの充実が最大の魅力。
Focus Puller
A diverse group of individuals struggle to survive in the Kalahari desert after their passenger plane crashes.
Focus Puller
Allied agents infiltrate the Nazi rocket complex at Peenemunde in order to obtain their secrets and sabotage the plant.The film alternates between German developments of the V-1 missile and V-2 rocket (with a German cast speaking their own language) and discovery by British Intelligence of the weapon.
Focus Puller
A study of absurdity in a suburban family: father recreates the Old Bailey in the living room while the son teaches speak-your-weight machines to sing in the attic.
Focus Puller
One Rolls-Royce belongs to three vastly different owners, starting with Lord Charles, who buys the car for his wife as an anniversary present. The next owner is Paolo Maltese, a mafioso who purchases the car during a trip to Italy and leaves it with his girlfriend while he returns to Chicago. Finally, the car is owned by American widow Gerda, who joins the Yugoslavian resistance against the invading Nazis.
Focus Puller
When the detective in charge of investigating a series of bank robberies starts to get too close to the culprits, they set up a blackmail scheme to warn him off. But when the crooks begin to fall out with each other, the police learn the truth.
Focus Puller
A series of scientists working on a new techology to facilitate man's conquest of space are killed in mysterious circumstances. Suspicion falls on the wife of another scientist on the project, who may not be what she seems.
Focus Puller
After nearly 40 years of waiting for his big chance, Wilfred Morgenhall is given the case of defending Herbert Fowle who is accused of murdering his wife. Despite Fowle's insistence of guilt, Moregenhall will not let go of the opportunity to plead his client as innocent and be a star in the courtroom.
Focus Puller
Over the course of one eventful evening, the anniversary celebration of the musical and romantic partners Aurelius Rex and Delia Lane, a jealous, ambitious drummer, Johnny Cousin, attempts to tear the interracial couple apart.
Focus Puller
In the business end of a kitchen, a polyglot staff strives to cope with a superhuman task. A microcosm of the world, the kitchen looms around and encloses its workers; they include Peter, the German cook, who is in love with waitress Monica, and constantly asks her to leave her husband. The pressure of the day becomes unendurable, and when Peter realises that Monica does not mean to divorce her husband his grief and pain cause him to run berserk!
Focus Puller
Fred, Tim and Deirdre plan a fun weekend break on the coast. What they didn't make allowances for was the company of Deirdre's mother who insists on coming along as her daughter's chaperone.
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Focus Puller
革命のため国を追われたイゴール・シャドフ王(King Igor Shahdov)(チャールズ・チャップリン)は、ほぼ無一文でニューヨークにやって来るが、同行した首相に証券類までも盗まれてしまう。王は原子力を使ってユートピアを創るという自分のアイデアを実現させるべく、原子力委員会と接触を図る。ある夕食会で(王に無断でテレビ中継されていた)、演劇の経験があることを明らかにしたため、その後、テレビコマーシャルへの出演依頼が殺到する。最初は気のすすまぬ王であったが、後に生活資金を得るためいくつかのコマーシャルに出演する。ある進歩主義学校を訪問した王は、ルパート・マカビーという10歳の少年(マイケル・チャップリン)に会う。彼は学校新聞の編集者で歴史に造詣が深く、王にアナキズム的な講釈を行う。ルパートはいかなる政府も信用しないと述べるが、両親は共産党員であった。次第に王自身が共産党員であると疑われるようになり、マッカーシーの下院非米活動委員会(当時アメリカで赤狩りを行っていた委員会)に喚問される。王の容疑は晴れ、離婚して今はパリにいる元王妃と再会する決意をする。しかし、ルパートの両親は投獄され、委員会は少年に両親の友人達の名前を密告するよう迫る。少年は王と再会した際、両親の友人の名を密告したことで「愛国者」と称えられるが、罪の意識に苛まれ苦しんでいた。王は赤狩りのばかばかしさにあきれ、少年に両親と共にヨーロッパに来るよう招待する。
Focus Puller
An American showgirl becomes entangled in political intrigue when the Prince Regent of a foreign country attempts to seduce her.
Focus Puller
The best of British humor is on display in this satirical cold war romp! Donald Sinden plays Lieutenant Green, a radar expert in the Royal Navy. One night, whilst under the influence of alcohol, he welds an old pram to the deck of a foreign destroyer for a joke. The next morning, British Intelligence is desperate to know what the enemy’s new weapon is. To cover his tracks, Green calls it the ‘998’. When he is posted to the destroyer to explain about radar techniques, Green soon realizes that his prank has gone too far.
Clapper Loader
Duncan Craig signs on a whaling ship, partly because his own business deal has fallen through, partly to help Judie Nordhall find her father. Rumor has it that her father may have been murdered by Erik Bland, son of her father's partner and her one-time lover. Duncan and Erik find themselves on rival whaleboats and, ultimately, on an ice floe.
Clapper Loader
A maritime farce set in the South Seas. A strong supporting cast includes Brian Rix, Anthony Newley & Harry Fowler.
Assistant Camera
Adaptation of John Gay's 18th century opera, featuring Laurence Olivier as MacHeath and Hugh Griffith as the Beggar.
Clapper Loader
Fictionalized story of British aerospace engineers solving the problem of supersonic flight.
Clapper Loader
When a wealthy business man is found dead reporter Philip Trent is sent to investigate. Against the police conclusions, he suspects the assumed suicide is really a murder, and becomes highly interested in the young widow and the dead man's private secretary.
Clapper Loader
The workers in a small plough factory take over the firm, but when a large order falls through, the old management come back to help out.
Clapper Loader
The father of a girl in an orphanage, who doesn't remember him, has been writing to her with tales of his success in business. Actually, he is impersonating a friend, a handsome gambler. When the father dies, the gambler takes the girl from the orphanage and tells her the truth. But the girl is now a full-grown beauty and complications arise, including those provided by a black-sheep brother.
Assistant Camera
A documentary covering the 1948 Olympic Games in St. Moritz, Switzerland, and London, England.
Clapper Loader
A mismatched collection of conscripted civilians find training tough under Lieutenant Jim Perry and Sergeant Ned Fletcher when they are called up to replace an infantry battalion that had suffered casualties at Dunkirk.