José Luis Aguilar


El valor de la amistad
Assistant Camera
人類の歴史の中で最も記憶に残っているのは、偉大な行為と素晴らしい冒険の時代です。 これがコナン・ザ・バーバリアンの時代です。 コナンは、両親が蛇の崇拝者の宗派の頭である邪悪なタルサ・ドゥームによって殺された後、彼がまだ子供だったときに捕らえられます。 15年の苦悩が乗り越えられない戦士としてコナンを作りました。 友人のスボタイ、モンゴル、盗賊の女王ヴァレリアの会社で彼の所有者であるコナンによってリリースされ、復venと知恵を求めて旅に出ます。
To Begin Again
Assistant Camera
A Nobel prize winner returns to his natal city looking for his home.
Dos y dos, cinco
Second Assistant Camera
Gay Club
Assistant Camera
A group of homosexual friends tries to set up a gay club in a town in Andalusia, meeting the opposition of the chief who will use all his resources to try to prevent it.
¡Vaya par de gemelos!
Second Assistant Camera
Pedro and Lucas are two twin brothers, residents of Tarazona, whom fortune smiles very differently. Luke is married to the owner of a modest supermarket and works as dependent, porter and whatever is needed ... Moreover, unlike his brother, he has never left the village. Instead, Pedro is married to the richest chocolate maker in the place, lives like a king and often travels to Madrid. But to justify his travels he has invented an illegitimate son who lives there studying architecture and that his wife wants to protect, giving him all the money he needs. The plan goes perfect until love complicates things.
Asignatura pendiente
Second Assistant Camera
Joseph and Helen, who had been boyfriends, there meeting some years later and fall madly in love again, but now the two are married. His hard and clandestine love story addition is determined by the circumstances of the times in which they have lived: the last years of the Franco regime and the beginning of the transition.
El hombre que supo amar
Assistant Camera
Who Can Kill a Child?
Second Assistant Camera
A couple of English tourists arrive at the island of Almanzora, off the Spanish Mediterranean coast, where they discover that there are no adults in a small fishing village, only some children who stare at them and smile mysteriously.
Mi mujer es muy decente, dentro de lo que cabe
Assistant Camera
The Legend of Blood Castle
Second Assistant Camera
Countess Elizabeth Bathory conspires with her husband to acquire the blood of virgins to maintain her youth and beauty.
My Wife's Boyfriends
Second Assistant Camera
Emilio Antunez and his wife Charo, come to La Molina, willing to spend a few happy days of vacation. Charo, foreseeing that she will meet with important people, brings an assorted and elegant wardrobe, which is soon able to wear when she meets with Aurora, an old school friend who is married to the eccentric millionaire Taboada.