Kim Sung-an


The Devil's Deal
Director of Photography
Hae-woong, an assembly member candidate, is taken out of the running because he became a thorn in the side of a local bigwig, Sun-tae. Hounded by loan sharks, due to defaulting a campaign loan, he decides to get his hands dirty. He steals classified government’s information about an urban development plan and obtains the help of a local gang leader, Pil-do, by promising hefty real estate profit. Now Hae-woong re-enters the race and tries to take revenge on Sun-tae. Unbeknownst to him, his messy journey through politics has only just begun.
Director of Photography
To acquire ancient artifacts for a private collector, a cunning grave robber and his band of ingenious thieves carry out a series of risky heists.
チョ・ピロ 怒りの逆襲
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
豊胸整形医ソクホ(チョ・ジヌン)と精神科医の妻イェジン(キム・ジス)の新居に集まった親友とその妻たち。亭主関白で気むずかしい弁護士のテス(ユ・ヘジン)と貞淑な専業主婦スヒョン(ヨム・ジョンア)。新婚ホヤホヤのイケメン社長ジュンモ(イ・ソジン)と若妻セギョン(ソン・ハユン)。新恋人を連れてくるはずが、一人でやって来た教師ヨンベ(ユン・ギョンホ)。久々の再会を喜び、変わらぬ友情や夫婦愛を確かめあい、お酒も会話も弾んでいく。そして自分たちの間には隠し事がないことを証明するため、「今からスマートフォンに届く電話やメールを全員に公開しよう」と皆のスマホロックを解除することに...。次々と届く着信やメール。他人に知られたくない“大人のウラ事情”が露わになり、楽しいはずのパーティーは想像を絶する修羅場と化していく──!! イタリアのアカデミー賞といわれるダヴィッド・ディ・ドナテッロ賞で作品賞、脚本賞に輝いたイタリア映画『おとなの事情』をリメイクした話題作。
Director of Photography
Jiseon, a working mother who takes care of her young daughter, Daeun, after the divorce, employs a nanny named Hanmae. One day, Jiseon finds out that the nanny and her daughter are missing, and she sets out to search for them.
We Are Brothers
Director of Photography
Two brothers were separated in childhood at an orphanage, only to find each other as adults 30 years later. But right after their reunion, their birth mother, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, suddenly disappears. So Sang-yeon and Ha-yeon team up together and go on a road trip to search for her.
Camera Operator
A hitman accidentally kills a little girl. Filled with regret, he wants to quit. But then to tie up loose ends, he is forced to go on another job, to kill the girl's mother.
Camera Operator
Jeong-yoon and Jong-bae own a car body repair shop together that gets in financial trouble. To help cover the losses and take care of her family, Jeong-yoon decides to smuggle thirty kilograms of cocaine.
FLU 運命の36時間
Camera Operator
A case of the flu quickly morphs into a pandemic. As the death toll mounts and the living panic, the government plans extreme measures to contain it.
First Assistant Camera