Alexandr Semenov

Alexandr Semenov


Alexandr Semenov


Fatal Illusions
Ivan, doctor
The famous illusionists, the Romanov brothers, present to the public their grandiose show, after which they are going to end their joint performances because of the accumulated mutual claims. In the first issue, with the disappearance of the assistant from the aquarium filled with water, something goes wrong - it does not appear in the right place. Immediately in the stage headphones of the brothers, the voice of an unknown person says that the girl is with him. He also changed the way complex mechanisms work for tricks. And now they pose a threat to the lives of the brothers. But if the show does not continue, the “voice” will kill the assistant ... The beloved girl of one of the brothers.
How I Became Russian
To please the father of his bride is not an easy task. This problem is faced by the Chinese guy Pen, when he goes to Moscow for his love - Ira, without even knowing what a nightmare awaits him. After all, her father Anatoly is not at all ready to give his daughter to the first comer, and he has his own plan for deliverance in this case ... However, the bride's father and the bridegroom will have to learn to respect each other if they want to keep the girl who loves most in the world.
冷戦下のソヴィエト。違法な遺伝子操作により特殊能力を持つ兵士を生み出す“パトリオット計画”が進行し、超人部隊が生み出されようとしていた。だが、名声を我がものとしようとする組織の科学者クラトフの裏切りにより、研究所は爆破され、超人達も姿を消してしまう。 50年後、自らも強大な力を持つ超人となったクラトフがロシアを崩壊させようとした時、パトリオットは世を捨てて生きるかつての超人達を見つけ出し、国家の危機を防ごうとする。集められたのは獣化能力を持つ科学者アルスス、念動力を操る賢者レア、超音速の剣の達人ハン、擬態化する美女クセニア。4人の超人は、失ったアイデンティティを取り戻すため、クラトフを倒すことを決意する。チームの名は“ガーディアンズ”。
Magnetic Storms
The Star
In the summer of 1944, the Nazi Armies prepare a massive Tank Division named 'Viking" for the offensive on occupied Russian land. The Russian Army's special group of seven snipers named "Zvezda" is sent for a reconnaissance operation behind the enemy lines in the back of the Nazi Tank Division. Two previous Russian groups never came back. The seven Russians know that they are going to an almost certain Death for the sake of Victory.