"Fight for the future of mankind. A great civilization once existed on this Earth. Possessing knowledge and scientific prowess far exceeding that of modern man, the relics of this ancient civilization remain hidden across this world even now. As high-speed communications networks cover the globe and the peering eyes of satellites are able to expose all secrets, the armies of great nations clash as they seek to uncover and research these artifacts, which possess an unfathomable “power.” A member of this ancient civilization carved a message into a plate: “Protect our relics from evil-doers.” Taking this message to heart, one organization aims to seal away this ancient civilization for good. The elite secret agents of this organization are known as... Spriggans."
『春の大ユニット祭り“おひさまベスト・プレイリスト2021”』は日向坂46の2周年を迎える『日向坂46デビュー2周年キャンペーン Special 2days』の初日で行われたコンサート。セットリストはファンのおひさまに選ばれ、ひかりTVとdTVチャンネルで無観客生配信した。最後に、以前行った「おひさまの見てみたいユニット募集」を受け新しく下記3組のユニットが新曲を披露した。