German Camardella


Morning Show Mysteries: A Murder in Mind
ADR Editor
Billie Blessings is drawn into a murder investigation when Katie Sanders, a former server at Blessings-turned TV star, becomes the focus when it’s discovered the victim was blackmailing her. Billie must sift through the mounting evidence – and list of suspects – to get to the truth and clear her friend’s name.
ホワイト・クロウ 伝説のダンサー
ADR Editor
ADR Editor
ADR Editor
A young boy finds a powerful otherworldly weapon, which he uses to save his older adoptive brother from a crew of thugs. Before long, the two of them are also pursued by federal agents and mysterious mercenaries aiming to reclaim their asset.
Hailey Dean Mysteries: 2 + 2 = Murder
ADR Editor
Hailey attends her niece's school recital only to learn that the beloved music teacher has vanished. Hailey soon discovers several startling secrets amongst the staff, as well as a link between the missing young teacher and the school’s reconstruction funds.
ジュラシック・クロコダイル 怒りのデス・アイランド
ADR Editor
A group of young explorers discover a secret area hidden from all maps and GPS devices. When they reach the center of the lake, they discover an abandoned facility that houses one of the largest, and deadliest apex-predators known to man.