Takuma Terashima
出生 : 1983-12-20, Ishikawa, Japan
Takuma Terashima (寺島 拓篤, Terashima Takuma) is a Japanese voice actor and singer born in Ishikawa, Japan. Terashima graduated from Tokyo Announce Gakuin, voice training school. He had initially belonged to Holypeak until December 2008, and then to Production Baobab up until September 2011 when he switched to Axlone, Toshiyuki Morikawa's own agency. He is married to voice actress Satomi Sato. Yuusuke Ishikawa is an alias Takuma Terashima has used when working on adult games/anime.
Klaus Lunettes (voice)
Momotarō Naraba (voice)
Makoto's grandfather was the principal of the great Onodera Academy, and when he passed away, he left Makoto and his school staff with one very important will - "The one man who is able to seduce Makoto with his superb sexual techniques will be given the right to take over as Onodera Academy's new principal!" Because of this ridiculous last request, Makoto is now every faculty member's target for sexual harassment! Desperate to protect his virginity, Makoto seeks help from his childhood friend (and the man who he has always loved), Kintaro.
Ultraman Taiga (voice)
だが、タロウは息子・タイガに激しく襲いかかる。いったい、タロウになにが起こったのか?そしてタイガは父と戦えるのか! ?
Otoya Ittoki (voice)
The idols of Utano Princesama have shared their feelings with countless fans — and now they finally take the stage!
The older boys are graduating school and recount their memories together. The next day everyone defends the graduation ceremony against Zundar and Dadacha's Second-Button Monster, but Yumoto struggles using his love power.
Akoya Gero
The older boys are graduating school and recount their memories together. The next day everyone defends the graduation ceremony against Zundar and Dadacha's Second-Button Monster, but Yumoto struggles using his love power.
Shintarou Kisaragi—a NEET who shut himself inside his room for 2 years—has been living his life normally until he met a cyber girl named Ene, who appeared in his computer screen when someone anonymously sent him a mysterious e-mail one year ago. One day, Ene had been messing with Shintaro's PC, which causes him have to go to the outside world for first time in two years.
Ashley Ashura (voice)
At the Queen’s request, Ciel and the demon butler Sebastian host an extravagant dinner party for the who’s who of the London underground. But an evening that begins with the promise of unmatched elegance quickly spirals into mayhem when their most distinguished guest is found murdered in his room. Now, trapped in the Phantomhive Manor by a dark and stormy night, Ciel and Sebastian must work together with their high-class guests, including the legendary author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, to find the murderer in their midst before the blame falls on the host and his somewhat suspicious staff.
Touma Amagase (voice)
ニューイヤーライブから時は流れ、季節は夏。春香のアイドルアワード受賞、千早の海外レコーディング、美希のハリウッド映画出演等アイドル達は忙しい日々を送っていた。 そんな中、765プロは新たなステップとしてアリーナでのライブ開催を決定する。 更に、新たな試みとして春香をリーダーに据え、バックダンサーとしてスクールに通う可奈、志保、奈緒、星梨花、杏奈、美奈子、百合子を加えるという。
Space War God Voldos/Neo-Geildon (voice)
Both TyrannoRanger and AbaRed are attacking the Kyoryugers because of mind control by Space War God Boldos. Boldos uses the feelings of revenge from enemies defeated by heroes who uses the power of dinosaurs, creating Neo-Grifforzer and Neo-Geildon, clones of past enemies as well as Enter and Escape,enemies of the Go-Busters. Villains spanning generations are united into a single evil force. The Kyoryugers, who are fighting an unseen evil, meet with the Go-Busters, and the "Greatest Trap ever seen on Earth" is sprung. What rises up against the true dinosaurs, and the death of your best friends? Now, the Kyoryugers must try and use the "True Brave".
Haruka is busy working at the agency so she can't help the idols with the preparations for the Christmas Party held by Shining Agency. A lot of memories and information are revealed while Starish is preparing for the party.
Alma Tandoji
Albireo (voice)
Sequel of Goulart Knights: Evoked the Beginning Black.
Io (voice)
アラカン荒野で激突したバルドとボルキュスの両大隊は、ともに多大な犠牲を払い、一時の退却を余儀なくされる。 厳しさを増す状況の中、敵部隊の一部がライガットの故郷を襲撃するという報せが入った。 弟・レガッツを救うべく、制止を振り切って単身急行するライガットだったが、村は既に襲撃され、しかも行く手にはボルキュスが待ち構えていた。 アテネス軍最強ゴゥレム・ヒュケリオン対デルフィングの一騎打ちが始まった……。
Albireo (voice)
Unidentified creatures "Archon" suddenly appear and bring the human beings to a crisis of extinction. A special corps "Goulart Knights" is formed to counter attack Archon. The knights have supernatural power to generate "Holy Grail" from their spirits and battle against Archon.
親友ホズルの国を守るため、クリシュナ軍に正式に入隊したライガット。 同時にデルフィングの大改修が進められる。 リィを失ったワルキウレス部隊は復讐を誓い、ビノンテン第3次攻撃の準備を進めていく。 その動きを捉え、反攻に出るクリシュナ軍。 戦場で人の命を奪う覚悟を決められないまま、ゼスの駆るエルテーミスに突撃してゆくライガット。 一方アテネスでは?戦争の天才?と謳われたボルキュス将軍が動き始めていた…。
Summary of the first TV-Series.
Apollo / Apollonius