Bruno Wolkowitch

Bruno Wolkowitch

出生 : 1961-05-10, Paris, France


Bruno Wolkowitch


Monsieur Giraudier
Sam, 17, is in High School, almost like any kid his age... His only difference is his wheelchair. He grew up with his mother, Nina. The arrival of Vincent, a new kid in school, will change a lot of things for Sam. He will make Sam realize the injustice surrounding him and his group of friends: Lila (with Asperger syndrome) and Tom (death). Together, they 'll create a gang to denounce the lack of consideration they endure every day. Far from feeling like victims, they hope to raise awareness by striking hard.
Marie et Tom
Marie Bertin is in at a dead end, both personally and professionally. When Pierre Gendreau, a former Canadian minister, asked for her help in writing his briefs, she saw the solution to a situation that had become unbearable. She hoped for a lot in this new life in Quebec, with her son, Tom, whom she had "all alone" a few months earlier. But, once in her new position, the situation is far from idyllic. The atmosphere of the house is heavy. The relations between Pierre, his wife, Nathalie, and their son François are tense.
Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous unisse
La loi de Valérie
Treat Me Like Fire
Revolves around the relationship between a gambling addict and a young woman who falls madly in love with him and will stop at nothing to win his heart.
Max & Leon
Homme fataliste
In this WW2 epic comedy – in the vein of “La Grande Vadrouille” – our two heroes, Max and Léon, two lazy and partier pals, will try by all possible means to avoid going in the battle zone… This will lead the duo to demented and wild adventures.
Christophe Gavat
A police superintendent, after 25 years of a flawless professional career, is arrested by internal affairs for 4 days, before being indicted for criminal conspiracy, drug trafficking, theft and embezzlement by the magistrate in charge.
Un père coupable
À corde tendue
After many years spent in jail, Sandra is finally free and is going back to Chamonix, where she was born, to meet her dad for the first time. But their reunion turns out to be quite complicated as they found themselves to have completely opposite personalities.On top of that, the villagers do not appreciate much the presence of a former prisoner in their town
No One Believes Me
Everything points to Sébastien, 13, as his father's murderer. With the help of his trusted friends, he uses every stratagem to stay hidden while proving his innocence. But the adult world has other ideas, and under abusive pressure he comes to sign a confession of murder. But, due to Seb's half-sister, the story may not quite be over.
A Five Star Life
Ospite dell'hotel
Single and middle-aged, beautiful Irene (Margarita Buy) is wholly devoted to her job as an inspector of luxury hotels. Constantly on the road, she indulges in expensive pleasures at impeccable resorts, but always incognito and alone, soon escaping to the next exotic destination with her checklist and laptop in tow. When her best friend and ex, Andrea (Stefano Accorsi), who has always been a source of emotional support, suddenly becomes unavailable, Irene is thrown into a deep existential crisis. "Luxury is a form of deceit," she is told by a fellow traveller in the fog of a steam room, and thus begins Irene's quest to bring more meaning into her life.
Love Is Not Perfect
Elena is a beautiful, 35-year-old accomplished woman who has an unhealthy obsession with perfection. Elena's well-ordered life is thrown into chaos, however, when she meets Adriana, an 18-year-old seductive young woman who offers passion and excitement, and Hector, an older man who offers Elena stability and security. Elena quickly realizes though that Adriana is too immature and too young for her, so she tries to end their romance, but for Adriana the rejection is just another game to play
Capitaine Courson
Coup de Chaleur
サガン -悲しみよ こんにちは-
デビュー作『悲しみよ こんにちは』が世界的なベストセラーとなり、わずか18歳にして時代の寵児となったサガン。以後、次々と小説を発表する一方、その華麗な交友録で私生活にも注目が集まっていた。あり余るほどの富を手にした彼女は桁外れの金額でギャンブルに興じ、奔放な恋を謳歌する。そんなある日、スポーツカーを運転していて事故に遭い九死に一生を得たサガン。その後22歳で編集者のギイ・シェレールと結婚するが、それはほどなく失敗に終わってしまう。
Man & Wife, Cop & Crook
Luc Fabrizzi
Marion is a high-powered cop. Luc is a gentleman thief. He thinks she's a lawyer, she thinks he's in real estate. They're married, with two kids, and are each blissfully ignorant of each other's double life.
Je t'aime à te tuer
A Canadian policewoman tracks down a 40-year-old man in France who is suspected of killing a woman in Montreal and who, in the meantime, has begun a relationship with a single mother.
The Masked Avenger: Lagardere
Lagardère / Le Bossu
France, 17th century, during the reign of Louis XIII. When a dear friend, the Duke of Nevers, is treacherously assassinated by a powerful relative, a skilled swordsman, the noble Henri de Lagardère, seeks his rightful vengeance as he tries to protect the innocent life of the duke's last heir.
Qu'elle est belle la quarantaine
Marc Blanchet
A 40-year-old widower and a 38-year-old divorcee, both single parents who both work in the same company but he as an executive and she as a waitress have nothing in common except for solitude and two friends somehow come together.
La parité
A father who prides himself on being open-minded reacts rather badly when his wife gets involved in politics.
L'amour dangereux
Le commissaire Queyrolles
When a great-looking,18-year-old guy teams up with a band of thieves and robs a delivery truck, a cop is knocked senseless. The guy and his girlfriend steal her dad's car and escape to the seashore. Can young love survive with the police in hot pursuit?
Una storia qualunque
Mirko Mancini
Meglio tardi che mai
Famille de cœur
An architect falls in love with an unemployed mother and her young son who live in a building she has just inherited.
La chica
In a remote area of South America, three men, are living, far from the civilization... and from the police. Until a fatal morning when Julie, 25, tries to escape killers who are after her. In 72 hours, the seducing fugitive will strongly change the destiny of each of these three men who, in their different way, will fall in love with her.
Passion mortelle
Frédéric Sartey
A cop tracks down a female serial killer who operates through dating agencies and falls in love with one of the suspects, despite the wife of the latest victim, repeatedly identifying her as being her husband's murderess.
Meurtres par procuration
Lionel Correy
Lionel suffers from severe memory loss as a result of an accident. Inspector Corona accuses him of the brutal murder of a law student with whom he had a relationship.
L'uomo proiettile
L'uomo proiettile
Fabrice Derais
A man who had everything taken away from him, including his family, by his brother teams up with a young card player in order to take revenge on the brother.
ジャンヌ・ダルク 薔薇の十字架
Gilles de Laval
ジャンヌ・ダルク 愛と自由の天使
Gilles de Laval
「彼女たちの舞台」などで知られるヌーヴェル・バーグのJ・リヴェットが、15世紀フランスに実在した非運の英雄、ジャンヌ・ダルクの波乱に満ちた生涯を、前編の本作と、後半の「ジャンヌ/薔薇の十字架」の全編約四時間に及ぶスケールで描いた超大作。本編では神の啓示により、自らが王国を救う使命を帯びた存在であることを知った彼女が、王太子シャルルの信頼の下、オルレアンを解放するまでを描く。  尚、本編はオリジナルより約一時間短い二時間の短縮バージョンである。真の完全版は「ジャンヌ・ダルク/I戦闘 II牢獄」としてこの後に公開されている。
Mauvais garçon
Thomas, a specialist at breaking and entering, gets out of jail after nine months and finds another man in bed with his girl. In the next 24 hours, he seduces one woman, steals her bracelet, and gives it to another in exchange for felatio. Soon after, he sets eyes on Léa; at first she's just another challenge. She dismisses him, but he's persistent. Finally she decides to love him, but warns him that she's hard to get but harder to get rid of. When he does decide to leave her, she is devastated, but so, it appears, is he, and back he comes. Now all seems wonderful, but his past, in the form of the woman whose bracelet he stole, comes back to haunt him. How will Léa handle it?
L'enfance de l'art
This drama attempts to be a film within a film. In the outer story, Andre Dussolier stars as a film director working with drama students at the Paris Conservatory, making a film (the inner story) about a woman's obsession with a foreign desert. Wallowing in maudlin sentimentality, this feature fails to live up to the promise of its probable inspiration, Fame (1980), and was not well-received at the 1988 Cannes Film Festival. However, as a medium for instructing director Francis Girod's actual students at the Paris Conservatory about the art and perils of filmmaking, it was undoubtedly a good deal more successful.
Classic Lover
This film is made up several sketches in which certain actors play several real or fictional roles to a background of rock music. The lead character, played by Godard himself, is an annoyingly perfectionist film-maker determined to wring every last drop of the finest performance possible from his stars.
For Those I Loved
Polish Martin Gray recalls the Holocaust, New York prosperity, and losing his wife and family.