2019年に発売されネット上で話題を呼んだ漫画「こんなに危ない!? 消費増税」を原作に、日本の未来を問う高校生たちの姿を描いた青春映画。高校3年生の高橋アサミは元財務省の父の影響で、政治に対して独自のイデオロギーを持っていた。政治経済の授業では疑問に思ったことを教師に問いかけ、論破してしまう。やがてアサミはクラスメイトの安倍や中谷と共に、自分たちの力で少しでも未来を明るくしようと、衰退しつつある商店街を盛り上げるべく立ち上がる。新聞で商店街のお祭りについて取り上げてもらうため、地元の若手記者・荒畑の元を訪れたアサミは、その帰り道、元戦隊ヒーローとして活躍していたタレント議員の武藤と出会う。「踊ってミタ」の加藤小夏が主演を務め、舞台「炎炎ノ消防隊」など漫画原作舞台を多く手がける脚本家・演出家のなるせゆうせいが監督・脚本を担当。
After Hiyori is admitted to the hospital, Uta goes around recording sounds from the memories, wishing for her to regain consciousness. She believes that they can return to that day. As she traces their memories, she makes a discovery.
Mita (Amane Okayama) wanted to become a videographer in Tokyo, but he failed to achieve his dream. He is now back in his hometown and works in the tourist division at city hall. Manabe (Rena Takeda) works with Mita in the tourism division. One day, town chief Maruyama (Yuichi Nakamura) gives an order to Mita. The order is to revitalize the town within 2 weeks. Mita decides to make a promotion video of the town.
Atou Hirari
A high school teacher, struggling to keep up with today's youth and estranged from his only son, receives the news about a terrible accident that left his son in a coma. Wanting to know more about his son's life, he finds out that he's been working as a producer for a new underground idol group who are now left without a guiding hand.