Jai Day

Jai Day


Jai Day


George Armstrong
With a sudden attack by the Japanese, British Major-General Maltby and his top officers struggle with the decision to either fight to the death or offer a humiliating surrender of the British Colony of Hong Kong.
バーニング・ダウン 爆発都市
The Calm Beyond
Randy Scavenger
A young woman lives, hidden in plain sight in a ruined Hong Kong building after a tsunami destroyed the city - A castaway on a concrete island. Her concealed existence is changed forever when a small child literally floats into her life.
An international conference on the future of cyber security held in China's tallest building is interrupted by a group of terrorists taking advantage of the lockdown ahead of the meeting. The only delegate not held by the terrorists Sunny Liu finds herself in the unenviable position of being the lone chance of stopping them. The terrorists think catching a single woman is easy, but they may have underestimated their prey.
US Navy Seal Commander Philip
Christmas at the Royal Hotel
British Soldier
In 1941, Hong Kong was the Casablanca of the East, a city full of war refugees, profiteers and spies. With the sudden attack by Japanese troops, a Canadian soldier's Christmas promise is broken during the Battle of Hong Kong.
アジアを代表するトップ男優アンディ・ラウがプロデューサーにも名を連ね、『プロテージ/偽りの絆』(07)以来の共演となる実力派ルイス・クーとガチ激突!義兄弟の2人が次第に宿敵となっていくドラマティックな展開から想像を絶するクライマックスに至るまで、エイジレスな肉体を駆使した渾身のアクションが炸裂!エンディングテーマ曲では2人による夢のデュエットが実現。さらにサム・リーやラム・カートンなど香港映画界のスターたちのサプライズ登場シーンにも要注目だ。『イップ・マン 誕生』『イップ・マン 最終章』の鬼才監督ハーマン・ヤウと撮影監督ジョー・チャンの名コンビが放つ、常識を覆すカーチェイスやラストに待ち受ける壮絶なガンアクションなど、アクション映画史を塗り替える衝撃の見せ場の連続に世界が震撼!中国興収2週連続No.1ヒット、中国公開の香港映画歴代最高興収を樹立する大ヒットを記録し、アカデミー賞国際長編映画賞の香港代表作品に選出、香港電影金像奨で視覚効果賞を受賞するなど様々な快挙を成し遂げた、香港ノワール・アクションの大傑作がついに日本上陸! 香港最大の裏組織「正興」には麻薬に手は出さないという鉄の掟があった。しかし、 部下の地蔵が掟を破り、義兄弟のティンは制裁として地蔵の指を切り落とす…。15年後、金融界で成功したティンは麻薬撲滅運動に力を注ぎ、一方の地蔵は香港麻薬四天王の座に上りつめていた。密売組織の襲撃事件が多発すると、ティンは「香港最大の麻薬密売人を殺した者に1億ドルの懸賞金を出す」と発表。かつて義兄弟だった2人は宿敵となり、香港全土を巻き込む壮絶バトルに突入する―!!
General Commander
Ben Harrison
GRS operative Jake Alexander and his team of young recruits go after the most dangerous and notorious criminals with the help of a Hong Kong billionaire.
Dead End II: A Justified Kill
The Russian
Two contract killers target a human trafficking gang in Hong Kong. When their mission spills into the streets a young girl becomes drawn into a brutal and bloody battle that changes the path of her fate.
A man steps out of a park fountain in Ho Chi Minh City with no recollection of who he is or where he came from. As he wanders through the city, piecing together clues to his past, he is relentlessly pursued by mysterious figures.
スーパーティーチャー 熱血格闘
Henry's Step Father
A soldier-turned-high school teacher uses unusual methods to reach to a class of poor students, while dealing with a greedy entrepreneur and his gang of fighters as well as the government.
パシフィック・リム アップライジング
PPDC Officer #1
Chasing the Dragon
An illegal immigrant from Mainland China sneaks into the corrupt British-colonized Hong Kong in 1963, transforming himself into a ruthless drug lord.
SHOCK WAVE ショック ウェイブ 爆弾処理班
Mercenary Leader
When a terrorist who specializes in explosives takes hold of an underground tunnel, he threatens to kill hostages if his demands are not met.
Lady Bloodfight
Jane is a beautiful but troubled American girl backpacking through Japan, when her raw street fighting skills draw the attention of Oshima, Japanese karate champion, who recruits and trains her to fight in the vicious, all-female, underground martial arts tournament known as "The Kumite". After months of rigorous preparation, Jane is ready to face off against the deadliest female fighters in the world, including Ling, the Chinese apprentice of Oshima's nemesis. But other nefarious forces lie in the shadows, and Jane and Ling will have to unite on a journey that will take them from the gritty underworld of Hong Kong to the glitz of Macao, before deciding who really is the best female fighter on the planet.
Zed's Security
Alex, an immigrant from Ukraine comes to Canada and becomes involved with an online criminal organization called Darkweb. What starts off as a way to help his parents financially, soon becomes a personal vendetta against the entire banking system, when his mother is fired from her job at the bank
Lust and Found
One fatal decision leads to a cascade of errors and misjudgments that send the story of “Lust & Found” into a crazy chase through Hong Kong to its comedic denouement where everyone gets what they deserve, though not necessarily what they want.
Deputy Gaius
Stories Forlorn
Stuart Dakin
Struggling to find answers to his brother's questionable suicide, a sixteen year old aspiring writer is lured into the underground world of Hong Kong, as the Chinese march their way over the border during the last summer under British rule, 1997.
Due West: Our Sex Journey
Disco man
Set in contemporary Hong Kong, several young people are searching for romance and struggling to learn the difference between lust and love in an adventure that takes them to the mainland where pleasure is much more readily available.
ミッシング ID
Virus X
A thriller about a case of highly contagious swine flu virus engineered by rogue scientists. A cover up by a mysterious dark lady linked to the High Spheres adds action and mystery.