Martin Vandas

出生 : 1971-04-04,


Preparations for Film T
In his film at the intersection of an experiment and a poetic documentary, Milan Klepnikov looks at the end of the world as defined by the poet Petr Král, who is convinced that children are born into a world which has in fact already ended. Trying to understand the young generation’s viewpoint and to capture the end of cinema as we know if, Klepnikov wildly chases and captures visual and auditive input, which he combines into a film sketchbook consisting of fragments of the lives of young people who apparently have been through the end of the world, but who still have many years ahead of them.
The Crossing
In a small town plunged into darkness, two children, Kyona and Adriel, are separated from their parents and, facing the path of exile alone, embark on a heroic journey that will take them from childhood to adolescence, in search of refuge, peace and the hope of finding their family.
The Pit
In a desolate landscape process strange creatures. The foreman of the group picks a suitable spot and the whole multiplying colony starts excavating a pit. They encounter various natural disasters that ruin their efforts – but the colonists always rise from the ruins and continue their work. We do unequivocally sympathise… till the moment when we return to the people’s daily lives.
Wild Beasts
Will the father-son relationship make the trip into the wild more enjoyable? Are the children really cruel or just playing innocent games? What will the teacher do when everything is already synchronized? Three stories set on a mysterious island.
Wild Beasts
Will the father-son relationship make the trip into the wild more enjoyable? Are the children really cruel or just playing innocent games? What will the teacher do when everything is already synchronized? Three stories set on a mysterious island.
Fritzi: A Revolutionary Tale
September 1989 in the GDR. With the change of the general mood in the country, the life of 12-year-old FRITZI changes as well. Her best friend Sophie has fled with her mother through Hungary to West Germany and the only thing Fritzi has left is Sophie's little dog Sputnik. But Fritzi misses Sophie just as much as her little four-legged friend does. Therefore, she decides to bring Sputnik to Sophie. But there is only one way to get there: over the strictly guarded border. A very dangerous adventure for a 12-year-old girl and a small dog...
Everything avoidable during one’s lifetime might later become the building blocks of the afterlife. Here, fears have to be faced and journeys to be taken alongside one’s shadow.
The native people of the surrealistic land of Superbia, where men and women form separate societies, face the changes sparked by the first equal couple in their history.
The Tree
The Tree
Production Manager
Fimfarum - To the good of all
The film contains three Jan Werich's fairy tales, each directed by one artist. The first story sets out to the Sumava mountains in Southern Bohemia to find out whether Ogres ever lived there. The middle tale The Hat and the Little Jay Feather concerns a king who sends his three sons to bring back a hat he left at a tavern when he was young. The third and longest fairy tale Reason and Luck is about the two virtues of the title try to prove their importance by changing the life of a pig herder named Louis. Written by
Země bez hrdinů, země bez zločinců
The Treasure of the Wyrm
Middle Ages, year 1077. Sant’Anselmo, a grumpy hermit living on the top of an icy mountain, is accidentally dragged downhill by Ranin, a strange wild child with whom - unwillingly – he will navigate the foggy river Po among monstrous creatures, crumbling boats, ancient legends and strange companions, in search of a legendary giant pumpkin and, perhaps, a mysterious feeling called affection.
16-years-old orphan Nab lives since birth on a huge ship, which is at the same time a factory and permanent home to several thousand people. For violating the rules, he is banished and put ashore in the Duluong Islands, a harsh place where winter is hard to survive. But thanks to the discovery of gold deposits, Eskimos live there with adventurers, criminals, and local hunters. The only law that rules here is the law of the strongest. The town is called Rosentaal and the plains beyond are full of packs of wolves. Nab leaves the ship with a box of locksmith tools and sarcophagus containing a mysterious living mummy of an Eskimo whose future and destiny will become a mission of duty for Nab.
Of Unwanted Things and People
A writer - sympathetic older man with a beard and red glasses - had kids at an older age than usual. As they run around the house, he wonders. What if he dies before they grow up? Can he leave something to them? He sets to write: about a man who finds a thrown-away book able to bring the reader back in time... About two boys who discover a hut that nobody wants, where fantastic monsters used to live... About two orphans and their strange aunt who turns into a cat when no one sees her... About a lonely man who knows how to fly and becomes king of birds... Maybe kids will learn from these stories that have one thing in common - they're all about the hidden value “Of Unwanted Things and People”.