David Roizner Selanikio

David Roizner Selanikio

出生 : 1980-02-29, Montevideo, Uruguay


David Roizner Selanikio


Blanes st and Muller
Primo de Magui
A few days after moving in with his girlfriend, Jorge receives a visit from his future self who traveled through time to warn him that she is going to leave him for another guy, then proposes him a plan to avoid it.
The Moneychanger
Humberto Brause takes advantage of Uruguay’s poor economy by specializing in offshore money laundering. Spanning the fifties to the seventies, the film follows Humberto as he gets increasingly in over his head with multiple shady book-cooking schemes throughout South America, leading to an ultimate life-or-death decision.
Maria, Argentinien und die Sache mit den Weißwürsten
Suit man
Christine Neubauer takes on an unfamiliar role for "Maria, Argentina and the Weißwurst": She plays a rugged perfectionist, who secludes herself from life behind her butcher's apron. Only in the distance does the Urbayerin manage to free herself from her own constraints and to take the heart into her own hands. Carlos Lobo in the role of the proud interpreter and Valentino Fortuzzi as a difficult nephew offer parole. Before the three pull together to bring the white sausage on Argentine plates, they must first gather together in the Culture Clash comedy by director Markus Herling.
Dueño del auto con fuegos
Still bitter from a recent divorce, martial arts instructor Clever discovers a car tricked out with flames in his neighborhood and sets out on a single-minded quest: to find the artist and treat his own vehicle. His journey leads to a secluded village, and to an enigmatic personality who isn’t quite what he expects. Delightfully odd and idiosyncratic, Clever is an absurd satire of the fragile façade of masculinity.
Tan frágil Como un Segundo
Julieta is 17 years old and lives with her mother and her siblings in a small town. Her boyfriend, Gabriel, gets her work with various clients, from truck drivers to government officials. Sofía is a 16-year-old student at a private high school in the capital city. With her best friend, they enter the advertising world and receive a tempting offer. Like threads in a web, Julieta and Sofía converge in a world where everything can be bought and everything can be sold, where certainty is as frail as a second.
23 seconds
Carlos and Roberto
He is a poor glass cleaner. She lives in Carrasco. One day at the crossroads something happens that can change their lives forever.
Too Much Water
A young woman vacationing in a lonely country house, fills her backyard pool every night found in it empty by the morning. Strange neighbors and even stranger circumstances start to getting her paranoid about where the water is actually going.