Chak Piu Chiu


26 Happiness Road
The stark contrast between city and village life are personified in a father-daughter relationship strewn with misread intentions and emotional distance. Xun-Qing, a longtime city-girl from the country side, revisits her village after some years to see her father, Zhou, a soft-spoken elderly man who owns and still operates his humble brick factory. However, now he does so with visibly aging hands. A worried Xun-Qing wholeheartedly suggests he move to the city to live a "better life" with her. Their already fractious relationship further deteriorates when her offer is met with Zhou's emphatic rejection, thus re-opening past wounds turning conversations into quarrels. Caught in the midst of the storm are the brick factory workers, one of whom is Xiao-Bing - a hard-working, steadfast young man unorphaned by Zhou as a child. Throughout the ordeal, Xun-Qing finds familiar and kindred solace in Xiao-Bing's blunt brotherly advice, just like their childhood years.
26 Happiness Road
The stark contrast between city and village life are personified in a father-daughter relationship strewn with misread intentions and emotional distance. Xun-Qing, a longtime city-girl from the country side, revisits her village after some years to see her father, Zhou, a soft-spoken elderly man who owns and still operates his humble brick factory. However, now he does so with visibly aging hands. A worried Xun-Qing wholeheartedly suggests he move to the city to live a "better life" with her. Their already fractious relationship further deteriorates when her offer is met with Zhou's emphatic rejection, thus re-opening past wounds turning conversations into quarrels. Caught in the midst of the storm are the brick factory workers, one of whom is Xiao-Bing - a hard-working, steadfast young man unorphaned by Zhou as a child. Throughout the ordeal, Xun-Qing finds familiar and kindred solace in Xiao-Bing's blunt brotherly advice, just like their childhood years.
PUSH 光と闇の能力者
Video Assist Operator
政府に特殊能力者として開発された人間と、彼らの能力を利用したい当局との攻防を描くSFサイキック・アクション。『ラッキーナンバー7』の俊英ポール・マクギガンが、第二次世界大戦時に実際に育成されていたという超能力スパイの逸話を基に映画化。主演は、『ファンタスティック・フォー [超能力ユニット]』のクリス・エヴァンスと『宇宙戦争』のダコタ・ファニング。葛藤(かっとう)する能力者の姿や、スタイリッシュなアクションに注目。
Assistant Camera
A small town pickpocket whose friends have moved on to higher trades finds himself bitter and unable to adapt.