Magnús Scheving

Magnús Scheving

出生 : 1964-11-10, Borgarnes, Iceland


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Magnús Örn Eyjólfsson Scheving (born 10 November 1964) is an Icelandic writer, entrepreneur, producer, actor and athlete. He is the creator, director, and star of the children's television show LazyTown, in which he portrayed the character Sportacus.


Magnús Scheving
Magnús Scheving


The Last Fishing Trip
Six friends on their annual fishing trip realize leaving wives, work and worries at home is really hard work. What was supposed to be a cozy fishing trip, turns out to be a downward spiral to Hell. Let's go fishing.
We Are Number One
Robbie Rotten, the primary antagonist of LazyTown, attempts to teach his "dream team" of villainous accomplices how to successfully catch a superhero, specifically Sportacus.
We Are Number One
Robbie Rotten, the primary antagonist of LazyTown, attempts to teach his "dream team" of villainous accomplices how to successfully catch a superhero, specifically Sportacus.
We Are Number One
Robbie Rotten, the primary antagonist of LazyTown, attempts to teach his "dream team" of villainous accomplices how to successfully catch a superhero, specifically Sportacus.
Anton Poldark
LazyTown’s New Superhero
Stephanie and the LazyTown children decide to repay Sportacus for all of his heroics by giving him a day off - with Stephanie taking over as hero. Robbie Rotten decides to take advantage, and builds a nasty dog which runs amok in the town.
Glanni Glæpur Í Latabæ
Costume Consultant
Íþróttaálfurinn has managed to change the villagers' negative attitude towards sports, healthy food and all diligence. But when he leaves and the villagers have to manage on their own, they turn out to be very unstable and easily influenced by the criminal Glanni Glæpur, who turns up disguised as a very rich man. In fact, he has stolen the president's car and intends to corrupt the villagers so that he can sell them un-wholesome powder-food and become mayor of the town.
Glanni Glæpur Í Latabæ
Íþróttaálfurinn has managed to change the villagers' negative attitude towards sports, healthy food and all diligence. But when he leaves and the villagers have to manage on their own, they turn out to be very unstable and easily influenced by the criminal Glanni Glæpur, who turns up disguised as a very rich man. In fact, he has stolen the president's car and intends to corrupt the villagers so that he can sell them un-wholesome powder-food and become mayor of the town.
Glanni Glæpur Í Latabæ
Íþróttaálfurinn has managed to change the villagers' negative attitude towards sports, healthy food and all diligence. But when he leaves and the villagers have to manage on their own, they turn out to be very unstable and easily influenced by the criminal Glanni Glæpur, who turns up disguised as a very rich man. In fact, he has stolen the president's car and intends to corrupt the villagers so that he can sell them un-wholesome powder-food and become mayor of the town.
A Midsummer´s Journey - A view of Iceland
No description found
Áfram Latibær
Latibær is full of colourful characters who have a very negative attitude towards physical activity, healthy food and so on. They prefer to stuff themselves with sweets and watch television all day. As a result they are all weak and flabby. To change this, the Sports-Elf arrives, and through his positive attitude, driving magnetism and by not taking no for an answer, he persuades the inhabitants to change their destructive lifestyle.
Áfram Latibær
Latibær is full of colourful characters who have a very negative attitude towards physical activity, healthy food and so on. They prefer to stuff themselves with sweets and watch television all day. As a result they are all weak and flabby. To change this, the Sports-Elf arrives, and through his positive attitude, driving magnetism and by not taking no for an answer, he persuades the inhabitants to change their destructive lifestyle.
LazyTown Surprise Santa
Robbie Rotten discovers the LazyTowners are having a Christmas party, and believing he wasn't invited, sets out to ruin the day with a giant snowball.
LazyTown - Best Friends
This fifth disc from the second series of Latabær contains two new episodes as well as a selection of music from the episodes. The first episode, "Unexpected Birthday Gift", tells the story of when Glanni builds a huge wall and divides Latabær in two so that the kids can no longer play together. Then the Sports Elf passes after he eats one of Glanni's sugar apples, so now good advice is expensive for the kids. The other episode "Best Friends" tells the story of Solla creating a nice playground for her friends, but Glanna manages to lure them away. Therefore, it is up to Solla to save them from Glanni and his plans. In addition to these episodes, there are 29 songs that have been heard in the episodes and you can sing along.
LazyTown - Best Friends
This fifth disc from the second series of Latabær contains two new episodes as well as a selection of music from the episodes. The first episode, "Unexpected Birthday Gift", tells the story of when Glanni builds a huge wall and divides Latabær in two so that the kids can no longer play together. Then the Sports Elf passes after he eats one of Glanni's sugar apples, so now good advice is expensive for the kids. The other episode "Best Friends" tells the story of Solla creating a nice playground for her friends, but Glanna manages to lure them away. Therefore, it is up to Solla to save them from Glanni and his plans. In addition to these episodes, there are 29 songs that have been heard in the episodes and you can sing along.