Osamu Ôkawa


Ling Su
A combination of live action and animation chronicinge the great journey of Marco Polo to the mysterious Orient. Much of the story centers on Polo's relationship with the powerful Kublai Khan.
Blind masseur and master swordsman Zatoichi finds a robbed and fatally wounded pregnant woman, whose baby he delivers before she dies. He takes the baby in search of its father and finds the child's aunt, who is about to be forced into prostitution for want of a payment the dead mother was bringing. Zatoichi determines to save the woman from her cruel fate.
新座頭市 破れ!唐人剣
Zatoichi is a blind massage therapist and swordsman who finds out that something troubling is taking place on the outskirts of town. After discovering who the guilty parties are -- an accomplished Chinese martial artist named Wang Kang and his youthful attendant -- Zatoichi finds them and discovers that the pair's mixed up with a dangerous bunch of terrorist samurai who murdered the boy's parents. Now, Zatoichi must step in to save the day.
Zatoichi is mentored by the blind leader of a secret organization as he contends with both the Yakuza and a jealous husband.
15th in the 17 film Daiei "Woman Gambler" series
In the prewar days leading up to the Second Sino-Japanese War of 1937, head flight instructor Lt. Katō Tateo of the Imperial Japanese Army-Air Corps trains new volunteers from the Army's Infantry to become Japan's next generation of fighter pilots at the Tokorozawa Flying School. Flying Kawasaki Ko-4 biplanes, Lt. Katō will train both friend and future foe alike. But as war in China breaks out, Katō now in command of the 5th Rentai will take his untested men flying antiquated planes into aerial combat against the Chinese Air Force who is now headed by Lt. Cho who Katō both earlier befriended and personally trained himself. While Katō's squadron ultimately achieves air superiority over the skies of Manchuria, it comes at a high price in men to which each loss carries a heavy burden that he alone must carry. As the war widens into the Second World War, Captain Katō must battle an ever advancing array of deadlier new enemies flying ever more modern fighter planes.
女殺し屋 牝犬
Shinkichi Aikawa
Japanese crime film
Zatoichi is forced to kill a young man who owes a debt to a yakuza boss. Moments later, his sister Osode arrives with the money she earned (prostituting herself) to pay his debts. The bosses true motives are revealed and he attempts to steal Osode even though the debt is paid. Zatoichi realizes his grievous error and protects the girl from the gang. Osode and Zatoichi are caught in a dilemma as she must rely on her brother's killer for protection and Zatoichi wrestles with the injustice he has caused.
Iori Ohdate
It’s cross and double-cross in these further adventures of Ryuzen, the wayward priest played by Katsu Shintaro as he tries to help a woman who may be the heir to a fortune get what is rightfully hers. Matsuo Kayo, who first rose to international stardom as ‘the supreme ninja’ in “Shogun Assassin” gives an outstanding performance in this clever and exciting caper tale set in the samurai era. Ryuzen agrees to help her, but is he just in it for himself, and is she really who she claims to be? When they come up against Boss Tobei it’s a virtual free-for-all as everyone struggles to walk away with a fortune in gold!
白い素肌に赤いバラ! ギターに秘めた両刃のナイフ! 港々の盛り場で派手に売り出す女三匹! 神崎みな子は、縄張り争いから姿を隠した兄の行方を追って、同僚の白浜たまき、藤川よし枝と関西の港町までやってきた。 ところが、このあたりを牛耳る畑中一家は、彼女たちを自分の経営するクラブの専属にしようと、事あるごとに流しの邪魔立てをした。 業を煮やしたみな子は、畑中一家の若親分・吉蔵を訪ね、ダイスでその決着をつけることになるのだが……。
Wife's Brother
A private detective is hired to find a missing man by his wife. While his search is unsuccessful, the detective's own life begins to resemble the man for whom he is searching.
兵隊やくざ 俺にまかせろ
Takuya Tsuda is a cop who loves motorcycles. One day a speeding motorcycle seriously injures a child and his investigations lead Takuya to Akio Yazawa, the boss of the Sakamoto Motorcycle Club.
A young man who followed his father's wishes and became a travel actor causes a big commotion with his fellow members of the Gurentai group during their travel destination! Innocent to cute girls and reckless to bad guys! Exciting entertainment!
Set around Ginza’s neon billboard boom, the movie is a drama of romance, corporate intrigue and tragic crime. A reporter (Ken Utsui) investigates a homicide in Tokyo’s bustling construction scene, meanwhile a super typhoon is brewing in the Pacific, and Ginza is square in its sights!
Obscure Masamura film shot in 1961
井原西鶴の代表作である同名の浮世草子を、市川雷蔵主演で映画化した作品。 但馬屋のひとり息子・世之介は、父親の心配をよそに放蕩三昧。修業先でも金にまかせて女狂い。ついに勘当された世之介は、頭を丸め放浪の旅に出るが、なおも懲りずに、京都随一とうたわれた夕霧太夫を口説き落とす始末。女体遍歴に命を賭けた男・世之介の華麗な一代記。
Man A
Contemporary musical drama film by Yasuzo Masumura.
Saburo Nakamura
A young man (Eiji Funakoshi) lavishes his complete attention and resources on a beautiful young girl (Junko Kano) who was picked up in the Ikebukuro district of Tokyo.
増村保造、市川崑、吉村公三郎という、大映が誇る三大監督によるオムニバス映画。主演の三大女優による競演も話題に。第10回ベルリン国際映画祭コンペティション部門で上映。 「耳を噛みたがる女」銀座のキャバレーでホステスをしている紀美は、客から金を巻き上げては株に投資をしていた。紀美を落とせるか友人と賭けをしていた会社社長の跡取り息子の正巳は、彼女をドライブに誘い出すことに成功する。 「物を高く売りつける女」失踪した流行作家の三原は、湘南の海岸で白い肌の女と出会う。数日後、一軒の別荘の前で彼女と再会した三原は、売りに出しているというその家を、彼女ごと買い取ると申し出た。 「恋を忘れていた女」かつて売れっ子芸妓だったお三津は、京都で修学旅行専門の宿と、酒場とお茶屋を経営する働き者だ。亡くなった夫の妹が結婚資金を借りに訪れるが、財産を横取りされると思ったお三津は、彼女を帰してしまう。
The inventor of a ground-breaking glue, Sanada, becomes rich thanks to his discovery a high executive in his company. Because of this promotion, his world is changing completely : his wife behaves like never before, considering she's now rich and has the right to do whatever she wants, even having an affair. (Also occasionally known in English as “Overflow”)