Tony Martin


Samen Winnen
Tony Martin
Samen Winnen follows Team Jumbo-Visma behind the scenes of the Tour de France 2019. With four stage wins and Steven Kruijswijk finishing on the podium in Paris, the only Dutch cycling team was one of the most succesful teams.
How Clean is Cycling? Behind the scenes with seven times world champion Tony Martin
Are you clean or are you doping? This questions haunts Tony Martin since he became a pro. He considers himself as one of the "new generation". But is that believable? Whom can you trust? Some of the people of his team have a questionable history. This documentary gives an intimate insight into the structure of a pro cycling team and shows areas which are normally absolut taboo zones for cameras.
Chasing Legends
There is no greater sporting event in all of cycling than the Tour de France. Chasing Legends touches on the rich history, passion and true grit of The Tour as seen through the eyes of Team HTC Columbia along with commentary from Phil Liggett, Paul Sherwen, Eddy Merckx, Lance Armstrong and some of the sports most prolific heros. With a stunning array of HD cameras, poignant and touching interviews, "Chasing Legends" will take viewers deeper into the pro peloton than ever on a roller coaster ride of action, story and emotion.