Mercedes Tarelli


The Intruder
Production Manager
Inés works as a dubbing actress and sings in a choir in Buenos Aires. While on an idyllic trip she suffers a traumatic episode that she can’t recover from. She has trouble sleeping and experiences very vivid nightmares as strange sounds begin to emerge from inside her. Awake, Inés feels suddenly surrounded by people that seem to come from her dreams.
Associate Producer
Two men living on the exact opposite side of the world. When one sleeps, the other one is awake. But when they finally meet, a simple question arises: Who is the dream and who is the dreamer?
Production Manager
To Steal from a Thief
Production Manager
Valencia, Spain. On a rainy morning, six armed men in disguise assault a bank. But what seemed like an easy heist, quickly goes wrong with nothing unfolding as planned, and mistrust quickly builds between the two leaders of the gang.