そして、革命へ! カットニス率いる第13地区の反乱軍はついに、スノー大統領が支配する独裁国家との最終戦争に突入した。 ゲイル、フィニック、そしてピータを従え、カットニスはスノー暗殺作戦を決行。しかし一行は、死のトラップや無数の敵に直面する。 それはまさにスノーが仕掛けた戦争という名のハンガー・ゲームだったのだ。そして、カットニスらはこれまでのどのゲームの戦闘よりも困難な状況に陥っていく。 彼女たちがむかう先には、予想だにしなかった衝撃的なラストが待ち受けていた。
It’s been 20 years since the corporations took over the world’s governments. Their thirst for power and profits led to the Corporate Wars, a fierce global battle that laid waste to society as we know it. Born from the ash, the Council of Nine rose as a new law and order for this dark age. To avenge the corporations’ reckless destruction, the Council issues death warrants for all white collar criminals. Their hunters—the bounty killer. From amateur savage to graceful assassin, the bounty killers now compete for body count, fame and a fat stack of cash. They’re ending the plague of corporate greed and providing the survivors of the apocalypse with retribution. These are the new heroes. This is the age of the BOUNTY KILLER.
The story follows the adventures of Aang, a young successor to a long line of Avatars, who must put his childhood ways aside and stop the Fire Nation from enslaving the Water, Earth and Air nations.