Bruno Sermonne


Closed Eyes
Vincent and Olivier have an intense, rocky relationship: Vincent evades tenderness, just as he does desire, forcing the couple to hunt for a third partner to participate in their sexual games. Olivier has a background in the theater. He believes in, but is preoccupied by their relationship; he wants to free Vincent from the ghosts haunting him. But Vincent is locked into the past. His father, a pilot, was killed in a plane accident. Vincent’s job is a strange, uncommon one that plunges him deep into contemplation from which no one can make him budge: he deciphers plane disaster recordings. Vincent’s unconscious repression is so powerful that he hasn’t even recognized the link between his father’s death and his work. It will take the stormy encounter with Olivier for Vincent to obtain his ‘black box.’ Indeed, the two young men come to life through their connection with each other, a connection which shatters the framework of typical love stories.
砂漠の真ん中に聳え立つ孤城に、ひとりの王が住んでいた。その名も、国王シャルル5+3+8=16世。わがままで疑心暗鬼の王は、手元のスイッチ一つで、気に障る臣下を次々に「処分」していった。 望みさえすれば、なにものでも手に入れることが出来るはずの王シャルルは、ひとりの美しい羊飼い娘に片思いをしている。 城の最上階に隠された秘密の部屋の壁に掛かった一枚の絵の中にその娘はいて、隣合わせた額縁の中の煙突掃除屋の少年と深く愛し合っていた。 嫉妬に狂う王を後に、ふたりは絵の中から抜け出し、一羽のふしぎな鳥の助けを借りて城からの脱出を試みる。