Time is unraveling, paradoxes are everywhere, and strangers with terrifying technologies are on the hunt. A thrilling, original, ultra indie full-length sci-fi movie that is the story of Sally Biggs, an FBI agent who has the power to rewind time. Her scientist husband has disappeared mysteriously, and the closer she gets to finding him, the more dangerous her life becomes. To save the future and her loved ones, Sally must enter a battlefield she never knew existed. Fortunately, she's a 95er. Surrounded by bizarre timespace paradoxes and hunted by terrifying forces from the future, Sally must discover the earth-shattering truth behind it all before her very being fades out of reality.
Visual Effects Designer
Visual Effects Designer
Samantha Caine, suburban homemaker, is the ideal mom to her 8 year old daughter Caitlin. She lives in Honesdale, PA, is a school teacher and makes the best Rice Krispie treats in town. But when she receives a bump on her head, she begins to remember small parts of her previous life as a lethal, top-secret agent.
ゲイブはロッキー山脈の仕事に就いていた。ある時、同僚のハルとハルの恋人・サラが山でデートをしている最中にハルが怪我をし、ゲイブが救助に向かう。ゲイブはハルの目の前のサラの救出に失敗しサラを死なせてしまう。以後ハルはゲイブを憎むようになり、同僚の恋人・ジェシーと別れ仕事もやめた。 その後、国際犯罪組織が財務省の紙幣輸送の飛行機を乗っ取り、使用済みの紙幣を強奪を図ったが、手違いから紙幣の入ったスーツケースを雪のロッキー山脈に落としてしまう。