Takashi Kikuchi


Masanori Daigo
The body of Shinsuke Maeda, a wealthy older man, is discovered in his garden. While at first glance it appears that he missed his step while exiting into the garden and hit his forehead on a flowerbed rock, it is established that a safe installed in the living room has been emptied. It seems that, the night before, Maeda left the hospital he was staying at of his own will and came home, and was robbed immediately after returning. His daughter Yumie Nagano insists that Chikako Inui, a woman her father had been seeing, must be the perpetrator. She says that Maeda was thinking of getting married to Chikako soon. However, Chikako finds Yumie and her husband suspicious. Troubled by debts incurred by opening their ramen store, they pestered Maeda and he pushed them away. She calmly points out that Maeda gave her a will in which he left all of the 50 million plus yen hidden in the safe to her, so she had no reason to steal from him.
Shuichi Sakai
The dead body of Maki Tsujimoto, a popular stage actress, is discovered in a theater in Oji. After striking her in the back of the head with a bronze statue prop, the criminal laid the body on the floor and pointed a light at it, "directing" the crime scene as if it were a scene from a play.
Koroshiya Anna
クローン技術が発達した近未来の日本。不慮の事故で殉職した宇宙飛行士・高原耕平は合法的にクローンとして蘇る。 しかし記憶のコピーに失敗したために記憶障害を起こし、幼い頃に自分のせいで双子の弟・昇を死なせてしまった記憶ばかりが頭から離れなくなる。 クローン再生の失敗を隠蔽したい影山所長らはひそかにクローンの耕平に安楽死の薬を投与する。病院を抜け出したクローンの耕平は、宇宙服を着た自分の死体(の幻)を見つける。 そしてそれを死んだ昇と思い込み、母親・洋子のもとに届けようと故郷をめざすが、投与された薬によって息絶える。