Adele Steward


Production Coordinator
Production Coordinator
「フォレスト・ガンプ 一期一会」「バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー」の名匠ロバート・ゼメキス監督のもと、ブラッド・ピットとマリオン・コティヤールが豪華共演を果たし、過酷な時代に翻弄されながら究極の愛を試される男女の運命を描いたラブストーリー。 1942年、カサブランカ。秘密諜報員のマックスとフランス軍レジスタンスのマリアンヌは、ある重大なミッションを通して運命の出会いを果たす。それは、夫婦を装って敵の裏をかき、ドイツ大使を狙うというものだった。その後、ロンドンで再会した2人は恋に落ちるが、マリアンヌは誰にも言えない秘密を抱えていた。 「イースタン・プロミス」「オン・ザ・ハイウェイ その夜、86分」のスティーブン・ナイトが脚本を手がけた。
Production Coordinator
Three generations of the rowdy Cutler family live as outlaws in some of Britain's richest countryside – hunting hares, ram-raiding stately homes, and taunting the police. Struggling to retain a way of life fast becoming extinct, Chad Cutler ends up caught between his father's archaic principles and trying to do right by his kids, whilst the full force of the law is finally catching up with him.
DOA デッド・オア・アライブ
Production Coordinator
Hornblower: The Frogs and the Lobsters
Production Coordinator
Lieutenant Hornblower and his shipmates are sent to accompany a doomed royalist invasion of revolutionary France.
Hornblower: The Duchess and the Devil
Production Coordinator
Acting Lieutenant Hornblower and his crew are captured by the enemy while escorting a Duchess who has secrets of her own.
Hornblower: The Examination for Lieutenant
Production Coordinator
Acting Lieutenant Hornblower attempts to study for his promotion examination, but becomes distracted by the serious supply problems that face his crew.
Hornblower: The Even Chance
Production Coordinator
Portsmouth, 1794. Under thundery skies and in lashing rain, 17-year-old midshipman Horatio Hornblower takes the first tentative steps of his naval career, but a feud with a shipmate causes complications.