Cheryl Parker


The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse is an animated micro-short that combines a number of unique styles and ideas from up-and-coming animation artists. The micro-short is only a few seconds long, but it is the result of months of work from animators across the UK, each of whom are developing their own craft through learning, freelancing or working in a studio.
I Never Wanted To Dance
A youth romance that begins and ends during the adventures of summer.
Making a Meal of it
Cobb lives in the planet’s Hot Zone under a tree, which sits among the ruins of his family home. Now, entirely alone- Cobb dreams of water, food and companionship. Clinging to his last hope of survival, Cobb finds himself travelling across the planet on an ambitious search for water in a seemingly uninhabitable world.
Making a Meal of it
Cobb lives in the planet’s Hot Zone under a tree, which sits among the ruins of his family home. Now, entirely alone- Cobb dreams of water, food and companionship. Clinging to his last hope of survival, Cobb finds himself travelling across the planet on an ambitious search for water in a seemingly uninhabitable world.