Kiko Jáuregui


Elcano & Magellan: The First Voyage Around the World
Juan Sebastián Elcano / King of Cebu (voice)
The first journey around the world began under the command of Ferdinand Magellan and was concluded by Juan Sebastián Elcano. Five boats left Seville on September 20, 1519. Storms, famine, tribes… Three years later, only one made it back. An incredible adventure around the planet whose roundness was finally proven.
Cristobal Molón
In the year 1512, two insects embark on an expedition that becomes the adventure of their lives.
Pastor (voice)
A stray cat, an oriental pigeon, an Eastern European rat and a Caribbean cockroach live on the streets. One night they have the chance to win the reward offered for Nora's (a lost cat) safe return.