Motohisa Harashima


Kenshin Ishida
とある“壁ドン”映画の撮影現場で、監督やスタッフからこき使われる、助監督・黒澤明 名前だけは”巨匠”で“一流”だが、断れない性格で要領の悪い、B級ホラーを愛するただの気弱な映画オタク。 いつか自分が監督として撮ることを夢見て、書き温めていた脚本「ゴーストマスター」が心の支えで、常に肌身離さずに持ち歩いていた。 しかし、あまりに過酷すぎる撮影現場でうっ積した黒澤の不満と怨念のような映画愛が、この“脚本”に悪霊を宿し、撮影現場を阿鼻叫喚の地獄へと変えていく。
舞台『仮面ライダー斬月』 -鎧武外伝-
Kagemasa Shizumiya / Kamen Rider Proto Ryugen
Takatora Kureshima (Kamen Rider Zangetsu) visits a former Yggdrasill Corporation experimental project site located in the poverty and conflict stricken Republic of Torukia. He is visiting the site for the first time in 8 years, and is suddenly attacked! Suprised he stumble and falls into a giant hole which leads into an underground city. This underground city is the most dangerous place in the republic, in which many young men are killed defending themselves while trying to survive. These men use Lock Seeds and Drivers to transform into Armored Riders. Due to the fall Takatora has lost his memory. He is helped by the leader of Team Orange Ride. Unbeknownst to them, there are cameras hidden all around the underground city. The ones behind the cameras are responsible for the conflicts in the city. One man in particular is seeking revenge on Takatora for a specific reason...
イケメン戦国 THE STAGE~織田軍 VS
Ikemen Sengoku live-action adaptation