Hideyuki Hori

Hideyuki Hori

出生 : 1954-03-23, Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan


Hideyuki Hori


劇場版 ペルソナ3 第3章 Falling Down
Shuji Ikutski
劇場版 ペルソナ3 第2章 Midsummer Knight's Dream
Shuuji Ikutsuki
劇場版 ペルソナ3 第1章 Spring of Birth
Shuji Ikutsuki
仮面ライダー×スーパー戦隊 スーパーヒーロー大戦
Baseball Mask (voice)
地球の平和、そして人々の自由と笑顔を守るために日夜戦い続けるスーパーヒーロー、それが仮面ライダーとスーパー戦隊である。 西暦2012年4月、そんな彼らに突如として大事件が襲い掛かる。門矢士 / 仮面ライダーディケイドが歴代ライダーの悪を束ねた大ショッカーの大首領としてゴレンジャーを始めとした全てのスーパー戦隊たちを倒し始め、また時を同じくしてキャプテン・マーベラス / ゴーカイレッドもまた、歴代戦隊の悪が結集した大ザンギャックの大帝王を名乗り1号を始めとした全ての仮面ライダーたちに攻撃を仕掛けたのだ。
ウルトラマンメビウス外伝 ゴーストリバース STAGE II -復活の皇帝
Mechazam (voice)
Continuing where the previous story left, Mechazam proceeds to attack EX Zetton in a mad fury but almost perishes in the molten lava until Mebius saves him, despite being heavily injured by EX Zetton. Being thrown to the Battle Nizer, Mechazam tries to break the seal under Mebius' guidance to reverse the disruption field but the container was too strong...
ウルトラマンメビウス外伝 ゴーストリバース STAGE I -暗黒の墓場
Mechazam (voice)
In the Land of Light, the Ultra Brothers receive the interrupted Ultra Sign sent by Hikari, which comes from the Monster Graveyard. Obtaining Zoffy's approval, Ace and Taro depart to investigate the matter while Mebius, on his routine patrol, is quickly notified by Zoffy to join the investigation.
DaiKenjin Zubaan (voice)
轟轟戦隊ボウケンジャー VS スーパー戦隊
DaiKenjin Zubaan (voice)
いつものようにゴードム文明と戦うボウケンジャーの5人。しかし、大神官ガジャと手を組んだ時の魔人クロノスによって、異空間に飛ばされてしまう。1人残された高丘映士(ボウケンシルバー)の前に、アカレッドが現れる。単独ではクロノスにかなわないというアカレッドの助言に従い、映士は先輩戦士たちの元へ向かう。 先輩戦士たちと共にクロノスへ立ち向かうボウケンシルバーだったが、その連携は全くのバラバラ。クロノスたちに苦戦する。しかし、映士とボウケンジャーの仲間との絆を知った彼らは改めて団結する。一方、クロノスは歴代の悪の幹部を復活させることで、ある陰謀を進めていた。
聖闘士星矢 天界編 序奏 ~overture~
Phoenix Ikki (voice)
冥界での死闘の後。冥王ハーデスの呪いによりすべての力を失った星矢は、アテナ・城戸沙織の介護のもとで静かに生活していた。しかしオリンポス十二神の月の女神アルテミスは、神に抗った星矢の抹殺のため、3人の天闘士(エンジェル)を送り込む。 沙織は星矢の命を救うため、女神の地位と地上世界の支配権をアルテミスに譲り渡す。地上の神となったアルテミスは地上への天罰として人類滅亡を企て、神としての力を失った沙織は自ら血を流すことで人類を守ろうとする。この未曾有の危機に、力を失ったはずの星矢が再び立ち上がり、紫龍、氷河、瞬、一輝もまたアテナのもとへと向かう。しかしその行く手を天闘士たちが阻み、さらにはオリンポス十二神のアポロンまでもが降臨する。全宇宙最強の神を相手に、人類の命運をかけた最大の闘いが始まる。
Sakuragi (voice)
Yukari Shikibu
Ogata, a nice and hardworking man, has only one problem... His love for Takasugi, another man. But by telling Takasugi about his feelings, the problem should be gone. Yet another problem arises: Takasugi believes their feelings are too alike and that they therefore can't be together. But who knows what can happen when two men in love go away on a vacation together—both determined to win the seducing game.
Nobuo Tanaka (voice)
Gren (voice)
The Persona Century Corporation has purchased nearly every parcel of land on earth. Dissension is not tolerated within the corporation's borders and those who oppose Persona are dealt with swiftly. Of those few places not yet under Persona's control is the free town of Kabuki-cho, also known as "The Dark Side of Tokyo". Within the town, under the leadership of a woman named Mai, is a small resistance group called Messiah. Into this world steps a man who takes the sobriquet of Kabuki-cho: Darkside. Sealed up in another dimension eighteen years ago by Persona Century, Darkside now returns to aid Messiah using his unique mystic power of renewal.
スラムダンク 全国制覇だ!桜木花道
湘北は、インターハイ予選において、ベスト16に進出。次の対戦相手は、赤木と木暮の中学時代のバスケ仲間の伍代友和と安西の大学監督時代の教え子・川崎一美が属する古豪・津久武。 3試合連続無得点退場で苛立っている花道は、津久武のルーキーである南郷洸一郎と晴子のことで揉めた上、晴子との交際もかけて、南郷とも争うことになった。
間の楔 2
Sid (voice)
Second OVA-Adaption of the japanese novel written by Rieko Yoshihara. Riki returns to Iason Mink to live as his "pet". But Riki's friend Guy tries to take him back.
三国志 第三部 遥かなる大地
Zhao Yun (voice)
孔明が劉備に提案した「天下三分の計」。それは天下を三分に分け、孫権と協力して曹操を倒そうとするものだった。計画は実現したかのように思えたが、呉の裏切りによって孔明は劉備、関羽、張飛らを失ってしまう。 皆の願いを実現させるべく、魏に対抗していく孔明だったが。
三国志 第二部 長江燃ゆ!
Zhao Yun (voice)
Covering roughly 13 years, from Cao Cao's victory over Lu Bu in 198 CE, through the Battle of Red Cliffs in 208 CE, and the aftermath up until 211 BCE. As other players are swept from the board, the story focuses on Liu Bei and his increasingly desperate attempts to prevent Cao Cao from seizing all of China. The turning point is Liu Bei's recruitment of the best strategic mind of that generation, Zhuge Kongming, the Crouching Dragon.
Isedo Zach (voice)
In the 26th century, humans discover a humanoid race living on the distant world GO/7498/2, a dark-skinned, golden-eyed people who seem to eke out a primitive, carefree existence. However, a scout team from Earth discovers that there is more to them than meets the eye--they live in symbiosis with vicious reptilian parasites, and the Terran scientists have upset the delicate natural balance.
The story is centered around Filena, a princess who was raised as a boy after her kingdom was conquered.
ドラゴンスレイヤー英雄伝説 王子の旅立ち
Ryunan (voice)
Faaren is a peaceful and happy realm, ruled by a wise King... until the Demon Lord Ackdam overruns the kingdom with his black legions and terrifying dragon, killing the King and capturing the Queen. But the King's young son, Sirius, is swept away to safety and grows to be a powerful young warrior, tutored in the ways of swordsmanship and chivalry by his father's loyal minion, Rias.
Sid (voice)
First OVA-Adaption of the japanese novel written by Rieko Yoshihara. On the planet Amoi the society is divided into different classes. The two main protagonist's are Iason Mink from the highest-class and Riki his slave.
Rokudenashi Blues
Taison Maeda
Maeda is a new student in the Teiken High School. He stutters when he's nervous and he's rather clumsy. He gets noted immediately because he hits a teacher during the entrance ceremony. Some clubs search to enlist him as they see in him a force they can use to get even with other clubs. But Maeda is a loner and has only one dream: becoming a boxing champion.
Hawaiian Breeze follows two twenty-something adults, Peter Honda, an illustrator, and Eri Todani, a planner, who have been living together for two years since meeting on vacation in Hawaii. They seem reasonably happy, but there's an underlying conflict. Peter really loves children. He wants to get married and start a family. Eri doesn't want children and sees no reason to get married. Their happiness gradually erodes, and eventually Eri leaves to "think about things." Peter's editor, Reiko, who wonders if she'd be a better match for Peter, unravels the underlying reason for Eri's reluctance. Peter must then make a choice. Will he give Eri up, in order to have a family, or will he accede to her feelings, in order to be with her? There's no easy answer.
横浜名物 男片山組!
When a number of biker gangs ranging from small to large started to appear in Yokohama, Hiromi Katayama united them at the risk of his own life. Set in the present, this OAV tells the story of Toshi Ikeda, a young rookie who returns to Yokohama to join Katayama's group. There, he will encounter an old friend and things will turn violent when the yakuza gang Mad Emperor attacks them.
Ryuichi Murakami (voice)
What comes around goes around...even from beyond the grave. Most criminals are only concerned with earthly justice - the laws of man. All too often, the guilty go free, their deeds unpunished. But there is another law. Deep within the spirit world, the wrongful dead seek retribution for the crimes against them by the living. These restless spirits have their own code of justice, and they've chosen the Judge of Darkness and his Demons of Hell to enforce them. An appeal for justice leads to an investigation of a successful, high-ranking corporate executive. Who would believe he'd be involved with embezzlement and murder? But the Judge of Darkness soon discovers that the roots of corruption run deep as he slowly works his way up the corporate pyramid.
The Legend of the Four Kings
The story features four divine Dragon Kings, rulers of the four parts of the world according to Chinese myths. The brothers are reborn in the modern world, complete with supernatural powers and the ability to become the Dragons which are their true forms. They are content to live ordinary lives as long as nobody meddles with them.
Kojiro Akagi
Legendary boxer Keijiro Akagi's second son, Eiji, is a high school dropout and the world's worst rock guitarist. Though his father and elder brother are both boxers, he hates the sport but suddenly takes an interest in it when he meets the local champion's little sister.
Biker B (voice)
A comedy about a family of old-fashioned samurai living in modern-day Tokyo whose young son has to head out for an important date.
Animated film about Typhoon Vera (known in Japan as Isewan Typhoon).
聖闘士星矢 最終聖戦の戦士たち
Ikki (voice)
Kyoya Izayoi (voice)
199X年、魔道士レヴィ・ラーと十六夜弦一郎が激突。 その瞬間、ラーの邪悪パワーが魔震《デビルシェイク》を引き起こし新宿を崩壊させた。 それから10年・・・魔界都市と化した新宿を舞台に、この世と魔界とを合体させようとするラーと、弦一郎の息子・十六夜京也との宿命の対決が始まる―!
聖闘士星矢 真紅の少年伝説
Ikki (voice)
Tsurugi Momotarou (voice)
聖闘士星矢 神々の熱き戦い
Ikki (voice)
Ikki (voice)
Hans (voice)
Geist (the main character) is MD-02, a Most Dangerous Soldier, genetically engineered to function as a killing machine, but every one of the MDS units went homicidally insane. As a result Geist was placed in suspended animation in a stasis pod orbiting the planet Jerra until it crashed several years later, awakening him and bringing him into another war on the planet.
Corola (voice)
Lek and Flene are warriors of the Han tribe who live in a post-apocalyptic world. They must fight Tanguin, a powerful enemy who keeps kidnapping women from their village. After the last attack, the villagers demand that both Lek and Flene go directly to Tanguin's home base to face him. To assist the two warriors, two volunteers from the village offer their help: Corola, who had his sister kidnapped, and Syril, who's girlfriend was abducted. They also gain the aid of Klee, a magical being who accidentally got struck by Tanguin on his last assault. - Anime News Network
キン肉マン 晴れ姿!正義超人
オーディーン 光子帆船スターライト
Mamoru Nelson
Odin centers around the novice crew of the laser sailing space schooner Starlight as they embark on an historic interstellar test flight. They are intercepted by what seems to be a wrecked spaceship only to find that it contains a lone survivor; a young woman named Sara Cyanbaker. Unknown to the crew at this time, a mechanized space fleet approaches Earth and a scout vessel from that fleet was responsible for the destruction of Sara's ship.
キン肉マン 逆襲!宇宙かくれ超人
キン肉マン 大暴れ!正義超人
超人オリンピックV2達成、7人の悪魔超人撃破を果たしキン肉星へと凱旋帰国したキン肉マン。祝福のパレードの最中、キン肉族と敵対するホルモン族の女超人・ビビンバに命を狙われる。間一髪回避しビビンバを追いかけるキン肉マンだったが、負傷したビビンバの素顔を見て彼女に一目ぼれし、良い所を見せようと手当てをしたり、一族を裏切るなどアプローチをかける。そしてビビンバの父ホルモン・ヤーキの手引きにより彼女をデートに誘うが、それはホルモン・ヤーキによる罠だった。 美ヶ原にて罠にかけられ気絶したキン肉マンに剣を向けるビビンバだったが、自分を手当てしてくれた彼の優しさに触れ恋心が芽生えていた故に剣を振ることをためらう。キン肉マンは無意識にこれを破るが、見かねたキン肉大王らの手により地球へと強制送還される。 キン肉族打倒を狙うホルモン・ヤーキは、バーベキュー族のチャンピオン・シシカバ・ブーと彼に助力するブラック軍団を率いる宇宙暗黒帝王ブラック・エンペラーと手を組むことになった。しかしブラック・エンペラーは地球征服のために邪魔な正義超人打倒を目論んでいた。 そうとは知らず、キン肉マンは富士山にてビビンバを賭けシシカバ・ブーの挑戦を受ける。同じ頃、それぞれの夢を叶えるために故郷へと帰っていた正義超人たちにもブラック軍団の尖兵が襲いかかろうとしていた。
Yutaka Tono (voice)
An American scientist constructs a laser satellite with hopes of preventing any nuclear conflicts from occurring. However, after a fatal error from both the US and the USSR governments, war breaks out and humanity faces a new bloodshed.