

Because of Second Wife's Witchcraft
Two black magic shamans clash when their clients have them casting various love spells, leading to death and misfortune.
Chase Me and I'll Catch You
A black comedy about love relationship between a photographer and a bank teller.
Damai Kami Sepanjang Hari
Iwan, a high school student, loses his bajaj-driver father because the jeep of Dance Lintang, a famous singer, runs him down. Iwan’s pregnant mother has to work hard. Iwan has been singing on the streets for money, and now he gets help from his younger siblings who sell newspapers. But his mother passes away when she gives birth to her last child so Iwan vows to raise his siblings. But when he cannot afford it, he puts his siblings in the orphanage. Then when his girlfriend Tia yells at him for doing that, he instinctively runs off with his siblings. He is imprisoned as a result but a journalist, Miftah, who knows his talent, bails him out. Iwan decides to quit school and Miftah manages to record him. Dance is furious when he hears that Iwan is making a record. He approaches the producer and destroys the recording tape. Then Dance gets arrested for narcotics while Iwan’s record is a major hit, so he brings his siblings home from the orphanage.
Demam Tari
Vera and her friends just won the breakdance competition
Buah Hati Mama
With the theme song, Indonesia Tanah Pusaka, the film’s melodrama takes on a nationalistic undertone. Hendrik Maulana, a staff officer in the Netherlands’ Indonesian Embassy, and his half-Dutch wife Nona, return to Indonesia. Hendrik is aware that he has to work hard in his country to support his family. So he trains as an air traffic controller before he returns home. However, there is still the cultural clash and his children have to adjust to school and their hometown. Then Eka, their second child, who is always the scapegoat of the family, runs away. Eka is attracted to an orphan ice seller who can support himself. He joins him selling the ice until he is stricken with typhus. His friend then breaks the news to Hendrik and Nona. Both parents rally with their three children, to complete the family again.
Nikmatnya Cinta
Ronny is dating Lia, a new student in his school. Apparently, Lia is the daughter of Indrasukma, brother of Sandra, who is the wife of Nico, Ronny’s brother. Lia lives at Ronny’s house. Indrasukma refuses to acknowledge his sister, Sandra, after she refuses the man he had chosen for her to marry and instead eloped with Nico. Indra strictly prohibits Lia to date Ronny. So Ronny finally runs off with Lia. He is dismissed from school as a consequence. His friends demonstrate over the dismissal. Riot occurs. Nico is injured and taken to the hospital. This is when Indra realises his mistake and accepts Sandra again.
Pintar Pintar Bodoh
Dono, Kasino, Indro, and Dorman want to open a detective agency. However, because of disagreements between them, their friendship was split into two groups, namely Kubu Kubu Casino-Dono and Indro-Dorman. Both sides are competing to be the best detectives. Competition begins when they're looking for a beautiful secretary and promote their prowess.
Dibalik Tjahaja Gemerlapan
Djoni is a promoter who likes to scam artists by being very persuasive. He is trusted to arrange a performance that is meant as a fundraising gala. Top singers such as Rachmat Kartolo and Titiek Puspa become the stars of the show. Djoni displays his skills, so that even when he cheats, he manages to improvise and arrange the show. They depart for Bandung by borrowing a bus and on the road, there are arguments, jealousy and suspicion amongst the group. The film shows the ups and downs of the life behind the stage. Inspite of everything, the performance is a success.
Masa Topan dan Badai
The title “Hurricane and Storm”, is seemingly a translation from Sturm und Drang, a psychological term for puberty or a transition period for an individual's mental state. Kaslan is a conservative and honest bank clerk, while his wife, Miah, is more liberal in terms of discipline. Kaslan is strict with his daughters, Wati and Tina. It makes Wahab afraid to approach the girl of his dream, Wati, since Kaslan always escorts her wherever she goes. Wahab is also jealous by Wati's favourite English teacher and he tries to hang himself when she falls in love with a singer. When the singer rejects Wati, she returns to Wahab. Tina reveals all to her father but before he can scold her, she leaves the house, and returns home only much later. But mother explains about the puberty that Wati is going through. In turn, Wahab also learns to understand Kaslan's reason for his strictness. Then they both graduate from high school.
Tjita-Tjita Ajah
Firman inherits a piece of land and a hut from his late father. He works hard by selling fruits, to fulfil his father’s dream, of ensuring that his little brother, Agus, finishes his university education. Agus falls in love with Isma, a daughter of a middle-class tailor, Mrs. Slamet. Mrs. Slamet is a distant relative of Mrs. Dirham; a rich widow, who wants her son, John, to marry Isma. But Isma falls for Agus and John often disparages Agus, which infuriates Isma more and more. Finally Mrs. Slamet gives in and accepts Agus’ proposal, and even John is willing to pay the marriage expenses.