Park Kwan-su


An Old Lady
Hyo-jeong, a 69-year-old woman, is raped—but few people, including the police, are willing to believe what she says.
Kokdu: A Story of Guardian Angels
In this adaptation of theatrical drama Kkokdu by Kim and music director Bang Junseok, two children who sold their grandmother’s shoes to buy a puppy end up going to the underworld.
Marianne and Margaret
A letter arrives in every house on Sorok Island on the 23rd of November 2005. The letter read the last words of two nurses. "Being old means not being able to work well and saying goodbye..." These women who came to the island in their 20s left just like that... Marianna and Margaret are two angels who took care of leprosy patients for 43 years. We take a look back at these two people's love for 43 years.
Mad Sad Bad
Ryoo Seungwan, Han Jiseung, Kim Taeyong got together to make a 3D omnibus film. It's a 3D vision of terrible realities never far from popular culture today. The stages of its episodes are different with one another. Tragedies and fantasies unfold in the city, the woods, and the future. The 3D technique is used in scenes where the characters have fancies to get over suffering in reality. It's interesting to watch 3D scenes directed by representative directors of Korea, and it's noteworthy in terms of industry that this try displays the possibilities and realities of 3D film in Korea, as well. It's the new vision of KAFA's project, KAFA+
Late Autumn
Associate Producer
Anna learns in prison that her mother has passed away in Seattle. Prison officials grants Anna a three day furlough to attend her mother's funeral. Anna embarks on a long trip to Seattle. Hoon is a Korean immigrant who works as a gigolo. Hoon is now on the run from a wealthy client's furious husband. These two seemingly lost souls are about to share three memorable days together.
If You Were Me 4
Includes shorts: Girl on the Run, The Theory & Practice of Teenage Dream, Relay, U and Me and Blue Birds on the Desk.