Polina Arustamova


The Game
Yura Platonov - famous poet and just lucky. He has everything: he owns the largest Moscow publishing house, has long and happily married, his father is a billionaire and a criminal authority, his beautiful mistress is completely satisfied with their relationship. It is precisely this problem-free that at some point begins to alarm Jura, because everything is so good in life! Realizing that his whole life is artificially modeled, Yura wonders: maybe the fictional life, self-deception, unwillingness to know the truth about those around you, sometimes better than understanding what is really happening?
The Groom
On 9 May a German comes to Russia to marry the Russian beauty Alena, whom he had met in Berlin. The happy couple goes to the village to meet the bride’s relatives. However, Alena’s former husband Tolya is also on the way there: he has unexpectedly decided to get his wife back. Everything turns out as a romantic rivalry, which involves – apart from Tolya and Helmut – their friends, relatives, and the other inhabitants of the village: the businessman Yerofeev who has bought a house in the neighbourhood; a lost tank-man; and even a kite – they all meddle in the events.
The Groom 2
Continuation of the 2016 folk comedy about the adventures of the well-bred German Helmut in the outback of Russia. Having lost the battle for the heart of a local beauty, Helmut finds a new love and half a year later gets ready for the wedding. It's time for his Russian friends to pay him a return visit - to Berlin!