Assistant Camera
Judy Berlin is an aspiring actress whose idealism is at odds with her small suburban community, where a solar eclipse induces town inhabitants (a lonely housewife, a frustrated schoolteacher, and a struggling filmmaker) to search for solace and understanding in themselves and one another.
First Assistant Camera
First Assistant Camera
First Assistant Camera
A womanizer meets his match when he falls for the daughter of a gambling addict who is in debt to the mob.
Assistant Camera
Assistant Camera
Assistant Camera
Assistant Camera
Assistant Camera
A nutty inventor, his frustrated wife, a philosopher cousin, his much younger fiancée, a randy doctor, and a free-thinking nurse spend a summer weekend in and around a stunning - and possibly magical - country house.
First Assistant Camera
New York's Odyssey Detective Agency is hired by two different clients to follow two women suspected of infidelity. Ladies' man John Russo trails Angela Niotes, the elegant wife of a wealthy Italian industrialist, while Charles Rutledge and Arthur Brodsky follow Dolores Martin, the beautiful young wife of a jealous husband. Their respective cases are complicated when John falls for Angela, and Charles falls for Dolores.
Assistant Camera
While attending a retrospect of his work, a filmmaker recalls his life and his loves: the inspirations for his films.