An upcoming Chinese computer animated motion capture action fantasy adventure film written and directed by Guo Jing Ming, the sequel to the first L.O.R.D: Legend of Ravaging Dynasties film.
In the summer of 2019, 18-year-old Wang Yuan released his first solo album, which he co-wrote, and also held his first solo concert. Then he stepped off the stage, packed his bags and flew across the ocean to study at Berklee College of Music, alone. It was a summer of turning around, a momentous decision.
SO LONG MY SON traces the lives of two families over three decades of social, political and human upheaval in China. Following the loss of a child in a tragic accident, their paths separate. Destinies ebb and flow, and fortunes are transformed under the impact of a country’s changing face. Yet even as their lives diverge, a common search for truth and reconciliation around the tragedy remains. But sometimes it can take a lifetime to say farewell. SO LONG MY SON chronicles people and a society in full transformation - in which human relationships and the tumultuous evolution of a nation are inevitably and inextricably intertwined.