Nam Ji-soo


Makeup & Hair
Costume Design
The Roundup: No Way Out
Makeup & Hair
Detective Ma Seok-do changes his affiliation from the Geumcheon Police Station to the Metropolitan Investigation Team, in order to eradicate Japanese gangsters who enter Korea to commit heinous crimes.
The Roundup: No Way Out
Costume Design
Detective Ma Seok-do changes his affiliation from the Geumcheon Police Station to the Metropolitan Investigation Team, in order to eradicate Japanese gangsters who enter Korea to commit heinous crimes.
Men of Plastic
Costume Design
Dae-guk, a nosy man from Apgujeong, and Ji-woo, a cold but skillful plastic surgeon, open a plastic surgery business in Gangnam. Dae-guk is an unemployed man who likes to pry into other people’s businesses.
Costume Design
Fake shaman Sin-nam is a 20-something graduate of a shaman school. Chung-dam is a real deal, who is possessed by a child god. And swindling shaman Sung-joon is a middle-aged, whose prime, along with the ghost inside him have all but left. The3 men battle their skills to seize redevelopment district and compete to be the best shaman.
Makeup & Hair
Costume Design
Ground Zero
Costume Design
A short action movie depicting the '1983 Hosan Prison Riot,' an important event in the 'PUBG Universe'.
Jazzy Misfits
Costume Design
An aspiring singer Sun-deok is visited by her mother, whom she hasn’t spoken to in years. The abrupt encounter leads to the news of her younger sister Yuri, who had vanished with their savings. The mother-daughter team is now hunting for the missing girl and their money, poking around in Itaewon, the international hub of Seoul. Little do they know that soon they will be faced with Yuri’s unlikely secrets.
Costume Design
マブリーマ・ドンソク全開のコメディードラマ。 学校をサボり悪さをするたび、ひとり親の母にビンタをくらい続ける不良少年のテギルは、ある日ついに家を飛び出してしまう。さまよい歩いた先でおかっぱ頭なのに腕っぷしが異様に強い奇妙な料理人コソクと出会い、彼の店でこき使われながら働くことになって・・・。
Costume Design
「新感染 ファイナル・エクスプレス」で一躍トップスターとなり、マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース(MCU)作品「エターナルズ」でハリウッド進出を果たすマ・ドンソク主演のバイオレンスアクション。凶悪なヤクザの組長チャン・ドンスが、ある夜何者かによってめった刺しにされた。奇跡的に一命をとりとめたドンスは、対立する組織の犯行を疑い、犯人捜しに動き出す。一方、警察サイドで捜査にあたるチョン刑事は暴力的な手段も辞さない荒くれ者として、署内でも問題刑事として知られていた。まだ世間の誰も気づいていない連続無差別殺人鬼がこの事件の犯人であると確信したチョン刑事は、その手がかりを求めてドンスにつきまとう。ドンスとチョン刑事は互いに敵意をむき出しにするが、狡猾な殺人鬼を突き止めるには互いの情報が必要であると悟り、共闘して犯人を追い詰めてゆく。2019年・第32回東京国際映画祭の「シン・ファンタ/復活!?東京国際ファンタスティック映画祭ナイト」(19年11月2日)で上映。
Trade Your Love
Costume Design
Sung-seok and Hae-joo, who have been under pressure of marriage, devise a scheme at their first meet; a fake wedding. They reach an agreement under the desire of not only being free from their parents’ meddling but carrying their secret future plan. Sung-seok plans to run away with his lover who has a kid and Hae-joo plans to start her new career abroad after their planned marriage. However, their families get too much excited about this news more than their expectation and their near-flawless plan starts to become a mess.
Costume Design
Ode to the Goose
Costume Design
Yoon-young has been harboring feelings for Song-hyun, a friend's wife. When he finds out that she is divorced, Yoon-young and Songhyun take a trip to Gunsan on a whim. They find lodging at an inn where the middle-aged owner lives with his autistic daughter who does not leave her room. The four become star crossed lovers in the city of Gunsan.
Makeup & Hair
Makeup & Hair
Makeup & Hair
Costume Design
Makeup & Hair
Costume Design
They’re losers, but nice ones. Every day they sit at Yeri’s bar, smitten by the young Chinese-Korean woman. Yeri doesn’t have a preference. To her, they are equally sweet: Jongbin, a milk-drinking epileptic, Ikjune, a former petty criminal, and the introverted Jungbum, who fled from North Korea.
Makeup & Hair
An aging actress is desperate to become a mother. In menopause and too controversial for legal adoption, she decides to illegally adopt from a pregnant teenager while publicly faking pregnancy. The ensuing media circus at first revitalizes her career but then threatens to grow out of control and destroy everything she cares about.
The Phone
Costume Design
When his wife is murdered, Dong-ho loses the light in his life, breaks down and falls into depression. But he knows that as long as the killer is still around, he can not get out of his loss. Then, one day, he receives a call and can not believe who he is listening to.
The Chronicles of Evil
Costume Design
A detective accidentally kills a man and disposes of the body to protect his career. The next day he sees that someone has hanged the corpse from a crane for all to see. He takes charge of the murder investigation to protect himself and find out who did it.
The End of the World
Costume Design
‘Soo-yeon’ lives in a small island and works as a teacher for a branch school in the village. Dong-kwon, an employee of an errand services company is assigned to a task to find her, who has a rare blood type. However, he falls in love with her at first sight. The movie is about love and conflict between the two.